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Photographic  Formulae 

Edited  by 


Published  by 


213-215  Water  St.,  New  York 






The  object  of  this  book  is  to  give  a  clear  and  definite 
explanation  of  the  various  "Agfa"  developing  agents,  thereby 
showing  the  most  advantageous  developer  to  use  in  keeping 
with  the  results  you  are  after. 

The  successful  working  of  any  formula  is  its  careful 
preparation,  and  more  especially  its  adaptability  to  the  make 
of  plate,  film  or  paper  used. 

We  have,  therefore,  endeavored  to  secure  the  formula 
first  hand  from  the  various  makers  of  plates,  films  and  papers, 
and  compiled  these  for  your  convenience. 



We  sometimes  receive  complaints  from  our  customers  to 
the  effect  that  a  plate  is  said  to  be  defective ;  which,  however, 
on  close  examination  generally  turns  out  to  be  developed  im- 
properly. We  therefore  consider  it  a  necessity  to  preface  the 
articles  on  developers  with  a  few  hints  on  the  real  causes  and 
on  the  avoidance  of  these  conditions. 

Pinholes  or  minute  white  specks  are  very  common,  and 
are  caused  by  small  particles  of  dust  settling  on  the  plate  or 
film  while  it  is  being  handled  in  loading  the  plate  holder,  mak- 
ing the  exposure,  or  developing,  the  developer  thereby  being 
prevented  from  properly  acting  upon  the  sensitive  film.  To 
avoid  pinholes,  carefully  dust  the  plates,  both  when  loading 
and  just  before  developing,  using  either  a  camel's  hair  brush  or 
a  soft  velvet  covered  pad,  both  of  which  must  be  kept  clean  and 
dry.  The  camera  should  also  be  frequently  and  carefully 
dusted  inside. 

Small  white  spots  of  clear  gelatine  are  due  to  air  bubbles 
that  cling  to  the  surface  of  the  film  when  in  the  developer, 
and  prevent  the  solution  from  acting  upon  that  particular 
place.  They  should  be  instantly  removed  with  the  finger  or 
a  soft  brush  by  rubbing  lightly  the  plate  or  film.  Bubbles  will 
not  appear  if  the  following  rule  is  observed:  Place  the  plate 
in  an  empty  tray  and  tilt  the  same  slightly  away  from  the 
body;  take  the  graduate  in  the  right  hand  and  pour  the  de- 
veloper upon  the  plate,  moving  the  graduate  from  side  to  side. 
Another  frequent  cause  of  air  bubbles  is  soaking  the  plate  in 
water  before  development  or  by  pouring  on  the  developer  un- 
evenly. A  stale  developer  will  generally  cause  trouble  in  this 
respect.  Care  should  be  taken  not  to  use  water  for  diluting 
a  solution  that  has  been  drawn  straight  from  a  tap ;  it  should 
be  allowed  to  stand  a  while,: 

6  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

Streaks,  unequal  density,  etc.,  are  caused  by  not  allow- 
ing the  developer  to  act  evenly  all  over  the  plate,  leaving  parts 
of  the  plate  uncovered  by  the  solution  while  developing,  and  by 
failing  to  cover  the  entire  plate  quickly  enough.  The  remedy 
is  to  pour  the  developer  as  described  above,  using  enough  solu- 
tion to  immerse  the  plate,  and  then  to  rock  the  tray,  keeping 
the  solution  in  motion  until  the  plate  is  developed  sufficiently. 
This  trouble  usually  occurs  with  a  powerful,  energetic  devel- 
oper and  a  fully  exposed  plate. 

Now  and  then  frilling  of  the  film  at  the  edges  will  occur. 
This  is  due  to  the  prolonged  use  of  too  warm  a  solution  or  to 
a  difference  in  the  temperatures  of  developer,  washing  water 
and  fixing  bath,  all  of  which  must  be  used  at  a  temperature  of 
65  degrees  Fahrenheit. 


"Agfa  "-Metol 

"Agfa"-Metol  is  a  pure  white  crystalline 
powder  and  one  of  the  most  energetic  of  mod- 
ern developers,  and  it  produces  negatives  of 
great  softness.  It  is  peculiar  in  that  it  first 
brings  out  all  the  detail  and  then  gradually 
builds  up  the  density  in  perfect  gradation. 
"Agfa"-Metol  is  particularly  useful  in  the  de- 
velopment of  portrait  or  instantaneous  work, 
as  it  works  up  the  image  so  rapidly.  For  this  reason  one 
should  be  careful  not  to  under-develop  the  negative  as  it  will 
lose  some  of  its  density  in  the  fixing  solution. 

Due  to  its  tendency  to  render  soft  negatives,  full  of  detail 
"Agfa"-Metol  is  often  used  in  combination  with  "Agfa"-Hy- 
drokinone  or  "Agfa"-Pyro,  which  tend  to  give  more  density 
to  the  image. 

While  it  is  advisable  to  follow  the  formula  recommended 
by  the  manufacturers  of  the  plates  and  papers  that  you  are 
using,  and  which  are  found  in  another  part  of  this  book,  the 
following  solutions  are  recommended  for  general  use: 

Dissolve  First. 

"Agfa"-Metol   ^  oz. 

Water   35      ozs. 

And  then  add  in  succession 

Sodium  Sulphite,  crystals 5      ozs. 

Potassium   Carbonate    2%  ozs. 

Potassium   Bromide 30      grs. 

8  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

For  use,  this  solution,  which  keeps  well,  has  usually  to 
be  diluted  with  three  times  its  volume  of  water. 

If  thin  negatives  are  desired,  take  less  Potassium  Car- 
bonate (for  example,  only  230  grains),  and  also  less  or  even 
no  Potassium  Bromide. 

If  it  be  wished  to  have  greater  contrasts  in  the  negative, 
the  developer  is  employed  in  a  more  concentrated  solution,  to 
which  more  Potassium  Bromide  is  added.  For  example,  77  to 
150  grains  of  Potassium  Bromide  are  used  in  preparing  the 
solution,  which  is  diluted  with  only  once  or  twice  its  volume  of 


Recommended  to  those  who  prefer  to  work  with  this 

1.— Dissolve   First 

"Agfa"-Metol  %  oz. 

Distilled  Water 35  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite,  crystals 5  ozs. 

And  shake  until  dissolved. 

2. — Dissolve 

Sodium  Carbonate,  crystals 5      ozs. 

Distilled  Water 70      ozs. 

For  use,  mix,  for  example,  No.  I — 1  part  with  No.  II — 2 

According  to  the  character  of  the  plates,  exposure,  etc., 
add  to  every  3  ozs.  of  the  prepared  solution  5  to  10  drops  of 
a  solution  of  Potassium  Bromide  (1  to  10). 


Has  similar  powers  to  "Agfa"-Pyro-Metol ;  but  as  the  re- 
sulting negative  is  of  a  more  actinic  quality,  development 
needs  to  be  fully  carried  out.  This  combination  is  the  best 
developer  for  bromide  and  gaslight  papers,  and,  perhaps,  the 


most  popular  on  account  of  its  adaptability  to  exposures  of  all 

Water  44  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol  90  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite,  crystals '. \l/2  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone  30  grs. 

Potassium    Carbonate 1A  oz. 

Potassuim   Bromide 15      grs. 

Dissolve  "Agfa"-Metol  first,  then  add  the  Sodium  Sul- 
phite, adding  "Agfa"-Hydrokinone  and  carbonate  last. 


This  is  a  favorite  all-round  developer  for  Plates,  Lanterns, 
Slides,  Bromide  and  Gaslight  Papers : 

A — As  a  single  solution. 

Water    16      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol   12*/2  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    4      grs. 

After  thorough  solution  add — 

Soda  Sulphite,  crystals 62      grs. 

Potassium  Carbonate 25      grs. 

Potassium   Bromide \l/\  grs. 

This  solution  for  normal  development  should  be  diluted 
with  an  equal  amount  of  water. 

B — In  two  solutions. 

A— Water  16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol  4  grs. 

Soda  Sulphite,  crystals 80  grs. 

Soda  Phosphate 8  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    7  grs. 

Hypo  Solution,  10% 4  min. 

B— Water  20  ozs. 

Potassium  Carbonate 2  ozs. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  of  A  and  B, 

10  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

C — For  Collodion  Plates. 

A— Water  25  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    60  grs. 

B— Water   25  ozs. 

Potassium  Carbonate 4  ozs.  3  drms. 

C— 95%   Alcohol \2y2  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    1J4  ozs. 

D  —Water   12  ozs. 

Ammon.  Bromide 1J4  °zs- 

For  use  in  half-tone  work,  especially  in  color  process,  mix 
as  follows: 

A 200  minims,  drams  or  parts. 

B 200  minims,  drams  or  parts. 

C 10  minims,  drams  or  parts. 

D 8  minims,  drams  or  parts. 

Water 5  minims,  drams  or  parts. 

For  photo  gelatine  and  line  work  solutions  C  and  D  may 
be  doubled.  The  developer  temperature  must  be  15  degrees 
Cel.  (65  Fahr.)  ;  development  will  then  be  complete  in  from 
30  to  50  seconds. 

The  development  of  Bromide  and  Gaslight  Papers  may 
be  performed  with  the  same  solutions  as  given  for  plates. 
"Agfa"-Metol  alone  gives  gray-black  tones;  "Agfa"-Metol- 
Hydrokinone  blue-black  tones. 


This  developer  gives  very  strong  and  dense  negatives : 

Solution  1. 

Water  25  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol  ^  oz. 

Pot.  Metabisulphite 288  grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro  #  oz. 

Solution  2. 

Water   25      ozs. 

Soda   Carb 5      ozs. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  11 

The  heaviest  density  is  obtained  by  taking  1  part  of  I  and 
2  parts  of  II  and  adding  up  to  5  drops  of  10  per  cent.  Potas- 
sium Bromide  solution  to  every  2V*  ozs.  of  solution. 

By  using  less  soda  solution  softer  negatives  are  obtained. 


1  ounce  bottle $  .75 

4  ounce  bottle 2.75 

8  ounce  bottle 5.25 

16  ounce  bottle 10.00 

32  ounce  bottle 19.75 



"Agfa  "-Amidol 

"Afga"-Amidol  comes  in  the  form  of  fine, 
shiny  crystals  which  sometimes  assume  a  gray- 
ish tint,  but  this  does  not  have  the  slightest 
effect  on  its  developing  properties. 

It  is  a  quick  and  powerful  developer,  gives 
.  excellent  detail,  and  is  easily  soluble  in  water; 
also  differs  from  all  others  in  that  it  acts  in 
the  presence  of  sodium  sulphite  without  the  addition  of  any 
alkali,  which  is  a  decided  advantage,  as  strong  solutions  may 
be  used  for  prolonged  development  without  ill-effects  to  the 
emulsion  or  the  fingers. 

"Agfa" -Amidol  is  also  excellent  for  lantern  slides,  bro- 
mide and  gaslight  papers,  rendering  rich  blue-black  tones  with- 
out fog,  and  being  a  single  solution  developer  its  simplicity 
and  activeness  are  worthy  of  consideration  when  a  large  num- 
ber of  prints  are  to  be  made. 

"Agfa"-Amidol  in  solution  deteriorates  rapidly  and  should 
be  mixed  just  before  use,  but  as  it  is  readily  soluble  it  can  be 
prepared  in  a  few  moments.  The  following  method  will  ob- 
viate the  difficulty  of  rapid  deterioration  which  is  due  to  the 
sulphite  in  the  solution. 

Make  a  stock  solution  as  follows: 

Water   25      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  Crystals 1*4  ozs. 

Immediately  before  development  add  3  grains  of  "Agfa"-Amidol 
to  every  1%  ounces  of  above  solution.  In  case  of  over-exposure,  add 
to  every  ounce  of  solution  40  to  60  drops  of  a  10  per  cent,  solution 
of  Potassium  Bromide. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  13 

For  Bromide  enlargements  prepare  the  following  stock 
solution : 

Sodium  Sulphite 1      oz. 

Citric   Acid 20      grs. 

Potassium   Bromide 15      grs. 

Water   40      ozs. 

Just  before  use  add  to  each  ounce  of  stock  solution  "Agfa"-Amidol 
(dry)  3  grains. 

Give  a  full  exposure. 

It  is  necessary  to  observe  the  following  precautions  when 
using  "Agfa"- Amidol. 

1.  Potassium   Bromide   solution    (10  per  cent.)    has   a 
clearing  effect  when  used  in  small  quantities,  and  only  when 
used  freely  does  it  have  a  restraining  effect. 

2.  Use  only  the  very  freshest  Sodium  Sulphite,  and  one 
that  is  free  from  the  white  powdery  oxidization. 

3.  Develop  a  little  more  than  appears  necessary,  as  the 
negative  looses  density  slightly  in  the  fixing  bath. 

4.  Diluted  solutions  do  not  keep,  although  they  give  no 
visible  sign  of  loss  of  power  and  do  not  discolor.    The  concen- 
trated solution  cannot  be  considered  of  good  keeping  prop- 

For  Gaslight  Papers,  use  the  first  formula ;  the  addition 
of  Bromide  gives  an  olive-green  black  tone;  without  Bromide 
the  tones  are  blue-black. 


1  ounce  bottle $  75 

4  ounce  bottle. 2.75 

8  ounce  bottle 5.25 

16  ounce  bottle 10.00 

32  ounce  bottle 19.75 

14  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 


"Agfa"-Eikonogen  is  supplied  in  powder 
form.  It  is  suitable  to  all  methods  of  devel- 
opment, giving  negatives  of  harmonious  de- 
tail, and  is,  therefore,  much  favored  by  many 
of  the  leading  workers. 

It  has  the  special  quality  of  producing  nega- 
tives full  of  detail  and  softness,  even  when  de- 
velopment has  been  forced.  This  characteristic  indicates  that 
"Agfa"-Eikonogen  is  invaluable  for  snapshots,  flashlights  and 
for  conditions  when  there  has  been  great  contrast  in  the  light- 
ing of  the  subject. 

An  admirable  developer  is  produced  by  mixing  "Agfa"- 
Eikonogen  with  "Agfa"-Hydrokinone,  uniting  as  it  does,  the 
softness  and  detail  of  the  former  with  the  density-giving  power 
of  the  latter.  A  good  formula  is  given  later  on. 

There  is  no  developer  on  the  market  more  powerful  or  more 
capable  of  producing  the  best  results  than  "Agfa"-Eikonogen. 
It  is  invaluable  as  a  medium  for  developing  under-exposures, 
bringing  out  all  detail  without  harsh  contrasts. 

Cold  solutions  give  less  density  than  those  used  at  the  cor- 
rect temperature,  which  is  65  degrees  Fahr.  Should  the  so- 
lution be  warmer  the  density  is  very  much  intensified.  This 
characteristic  of  "Agfa"-Eikonogen  is  demonstrated  when  dry 
plates  that  produce  heavy  contrasts  are  used. 

Solutions  which  have  been  repeatedly  used  assume  gradu- 
ally a  darker  tone,  but  their  strength  reduces  very  slowly. 

/. — Concentrated    Single    Solution. 

Sodium  Sulphite,  crystals -3      ozs. 

Potassium  Carbonate,  pure ll/£  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen    ^A  oz. 

Boiling  water 25      ozs. 


While  still  warm  the  mixture  is  put  into  bottles  which  must 
be  tightly  corked. 

Provided  that  boiling  water  and  perfectly  fresh  Sodium 
Sulphite  are  used,  this  solution  will  keep  in  good  condition  for 
an  indefinite  time. 

If  the  developer  proves  to  be  too  strong,  it  should  be  di- 
luted with  water  as  found  necessary. 

If  especially  soft  negatives  be  desired,  only  about  one-half 
of  the  usual  quantity  of  Potassium  Carbonate  should  be  used  in 
preparing  solution. 

If  over-exposure  be  suspected,  development  should  be 
commenced  with  a  fresh,  undiluted  solution,  an  abundance  of 
a  10  per  cent,  solution  of  Potassium  Bromide  being  added,  or, 
what  is  better  still,  an  old  developing  solution,  which  has  beeri 
repeatedly  used,  should  be  employed. 

II.—  Separate  Solutions. 

This  formula  is  recommended  to  those  who  prefer  to  pre- 
pare the  developing  solution  only  shortly  before  using  it: 

Solution  A. 
Sodium   Sulphite   Crystals  .........  2      ozs 



Agfa"-Eikonogen    ..............................     y2  Qz 

Solution  B. 
Sodium  Carbonate,  crystals  ...............  1*4  ozs 

Water    .....................................  ...".10      ozs'. 

For  use,  3  parts  of  Solution  A  are  mixed  with  1  part  of 

Solution  B. 

For  use  in  developing  Bromide  Papers,  Formula  I  or 
Formula  II,  as  employed  for  dry  plates,  should  be  further  di- 
luted with  2  or  3  times  its  volume  of  water.  Under  certain 
circumstances,  however,  for  particularly  brilliant  pictures,  these 
developers  are  used  undiluted,  a  few  drops  of  a  10  per  cent,  so- 
lution of  Potassium  Bromide  being  added. 

16  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

We  recommend,  also,  the  following  combined  developer : 

A— Water,  Distilled  16     ozs. 

Soda  Sulphite,  crystals 11A  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen    54  oz- 

"Agfa"-Pyrogallic   Acid Y*  oz. 

Sulphuric  Acid   5      drops. 

B— Water,  Distilled 16      ozs. 

Soda  Carbonate,  crystals 2      ozs. 

For  use,  take  Solution  A,  1  part;  Solution  B,  1  part; 
water,  6  to  8  parts. 


1  ounce  can $  .37 

4  ounce  can 1.20 

8  ounce  can 2.10 

16  ounce  can 3.95 



"Agfa  "-Glycln 

"Agfa"-Glycin  comes  in  flake  crystals  and 
is  soluble  in  Sulphite  Sodium  solution,  but 
more  so  in  Carbonic  Alkali. 

"Agfa"-Glycin  has  two  characteristics 
which  make  it  valuable  as  a  developer:  it  de- 
velops very  clearly,  and  its  action  is  under 
easy  control.  It  also  has  the  further  advan- 
tage of  giving  particularly  "clean"  negatives, 
and  is  for  that  reason  a  very  popular  devel- 
oper for  black-and-white  work,  being  used  ex- 
tensively by  makers  of  half-tone  and  other  reproduction  blocks. 
It  gives  good  density  with  a  beautiful  transparency  in  the 
shadows,  without  loss  of  detail  and  without  any  possibility  of 
stain.  The  resultant  negative  is  very  fine  grained,  for  which 
reason  "Agfa"-Glycin  is  especially  recommended  for  the  de- 
velopment of  photo-micrographs. 

"Agfa"-Glycin  belongs  to  the  slow-working  class  of  devel- 
opers and  is,  therefore,  peculiarly  suitable  for  tank  develop- 
ment and  for  uncertain  exposures. 


Solution  A. 

Distilled  Water 25      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite 2y2  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Glycin    ^  oz. 

Dissolve  with  gentle  heat. 

Solution  B. 

Distilled  Water 12^  ozs. 

Potassium  Carbonate 21/*  ozs. 

18  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

For  correctly  exposed  plates  use — 

Solution  A 2y2  ozs. 

Solution  B 1J4  ozs. 

Water  2^  ozs. 

To  obtain  less  contrast  use — 

Solution  A 1      oz. 

Solution  B 1J4  ozs. 

Water   4      ozs. 

To  obtain  more  contrast  use — 

Solution  A 3^4  ozs. 

Solution   B \l/4,  ozs. 

Water  \Y4  oz. 

If  over-exposure  is  feared  add  to  any  of  these  mixtures  a 

few  drops  of  10  per  cent,  solution  of  Potassium  Bromide. 


"Agfa"-Glycin    30      grs. 

Water    18  to  38  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite,  crystal 30      grs. 

Potassium  Carbonate 225    grs. 

For  normal    or   under-exposed   plates   take   the   smaller 
quantity  of  water.    For  over-exposures  take  the  full  quantity. 

Time  l/2  to  I  hour. 


"Agfa"-Glycin    120  grs. 

Sodium   Sulphite   (Anhyd) 360  grs. 

Sodium   Carbonate    (Anhyd) 360  grs. 

Water    35  ozs. 

For  use  take  1  part  of  above  solution  to  3  parts  water. 
Time,  20  minutes.    Temperature,  65-70  degrees. 



Hot  Water 96  ozs.. 

"Agfa"-Metol  40  grs. 

"Agfa"-Glycin  20  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd) .' 75  grs. 

Potassium    Carbonate    (Anhyd) 300  grs. 

Time,    45    minutes.    Temperature,    65    degrees. 


1  ounce  bottle $  75 

4  ounce  bottle 2.75 

8  ounce  bottle 5.25 

16  ounce  bottle 10.00 

32  ounce  bottle..                                                                      19.75 




"Agfa"-Ortol  comes  as  a  coarse  crystal 
powder,  very  soluble  in  water  and  in  its  dry 
state,  guarded  from  light,  it  keeps  unchanged 
for  an  indefinite  period. 

"Agfa"-Ortol  is  a  quick  and  powerful  de- 
veloper, giving  negatives  closely  resembling 
those  produced  by  "Agfa"-Pyro;  but,  as  the 
deposit  is  of  a  more  actinic  nature,  develop- 
ments need  to  be  carried  further  than  is  apparently  sufficient 
to  obtain  a  clean  printing  negative. 

"Agfa"-Ortol  produces  excellent  gradations  and  ample 
density;  it  may  be  used  over  and  over  again,  and  apparently 
does  not  lose  its  power  as  soon  as  some  other  developers. 

Solution  1. 

Water,   Cold 10      ozs. 

Potassium    Metabisulphite 35      grs. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    70      grs. 

Solution  2. 

Water   10      ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate,  crystals \V\  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite,  crystals 124  ozs. 

Potassium    Bromide 5-10    grs. 

"Agfa"-0rtol  Potash.  For  those  who  prefer  a  solution 
containing  Potash,  replace  the  Sodium  Carbonate  in  Solution 
No.  2  with  half  the  quantity  of  Potassium  Carbonate  (24  oz.). 

For  rapid  development  take  one  part  of  Solution  No.  1, 
and  one  part  of  Solution  No.  2. 

For  slow  and  softer  development  take  one  part  of  Solution 
No.  1,  one  part  of  Solution  No.  2,  and  one  part  of  water. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  21 

"Agfa"-Ortol  gives  clear  negatives  of  great  density,  hav- 
ing a  fine  brownish-black  color.  The  picture  appears  in  about 
20  seconds,  and  is  completely  developed  at  the  end  of  four  or 
five  minutes. 

If  still  more  rapid  development,  more  density  and  a 
browner  color  be  desired,  the  Sodium  Sulphite  may  be  omitted 
in  preparing  Solution  No.  2. 

By  modifying  the  proportions  of  Solutions  Nos.  1  and  2, 
the  developer  may  be  adapted  to  every  make  of  plate.  If  more 
of  Solution  No.  1  and  less  of  Solution  No.  2  be  taken,  harder 
negatives  will  be  obtained ;  if  less  of  No.  1  and  more  of  No.  2 
be  taken,  softer  negatives  will  be  obtained. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent,  solution,  has  a  very  great 
retarding  effect  on  the  developer's  action,  whereas  Caustic 
Potash,  10  per  cent,  solution,  acts  as  an  energetic  accelerates 

The  same  developing  bath  may  be  used  several  times.  It 
keeps  for  a  long  period  in  well-stopped  bottles,  if  Solution  No. 
2  be  made  up  with  Sodium  Sulphite,  according  to  the  formula. 
If  the  Sodium  Sulphite  be  omitted,  the  devolper,  after  having 
been  once  used,  remains  good  only  for  the  same  day. 

Developing  solutions  of  "Agfa"-Ortol  which  have  turned 
brown  are  exhausted  and  should  not  be  used. 


Water   20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    10  grs. 

Potassium  Metabisulphite    5  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite 65  grs. 

Sodium   Carbonate 65  grs. 

Time,  30  minutes.    Temperature,  65  degrees. 


1  ounce  bottle 75 

4  ounce  bottle ' $2.75 

8  ounce  bottle 5.25 

16  ounce  bottle 10.00 

32  ounce  bottle..  .  19.75 



"Agfa  "- 
Pyro^allic  Acid 


"Agfa"-Pyrogallic  Acid  comes  either  re- 
sublimed  or  in  the  crystal  form.  Both  are 
easily  soluble  in  water,  giving  a  clear 

Solution  A. 

Distilled  Water  17%  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite 3J4  ozs. 

"Agfa"-  Pyro   215      grs. 

Sulphuric  Acid  5  to  10      drops 

Solution  B. 

Sodium   Carbonate    770      grs. 

Distilled  Water   tflA  ozs. 

For  use,  take  equal  parts  A,  B  and  water. 
Both  solutions  keep  well  in  stopped  bottles. 

Solution   A. 

Distilled  Water    3l/2  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    1      oz. 

"Agfa"-Pyro     154      grs. 

Sulphuric  Acid 3  to  8      drops 

Solution  B. 

Distilled  Water   7  ozs. 

Potassium  Carbonate   3  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   1  oft. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  A,  B  and  water. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  23 

(This  developer  gives  very  strong  negatives.) 
Solution  1. 

Water,  Distilled   , 25      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    K  oz. 

Potass.   Metabisulphite    288      grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    %  oz. 

Solution  2 

Water,   Distilled    25      ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   5      ozs. 

The  greatest  density  is  obtained  by  using  one  part  No.  1 
and  two  parts  No.  2,  adding  five  drops  of  10%  solution  Potas- 
sium Bromide  to  every  2y2  ozs.  of  solution. 

By  using  less  solution  No.  2  softer  negatives  are  obtained. 

Solution  1. 

Water,  Distilled  28  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1  oz. 

Sulphuric   Acid    20  drops 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water,  Distilled  28  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    (Anhyd.) 3  ozs. 

Sodium   Carbonate    (Anhyd.) 3  ozs. 

For  use  take  1  oz.  solution  No.  1,  1  oz.  solution  No.  2  and 
24  oz.  water ;  time,  20  minutes ;  temperature,  65  degrees. 


1  ounce  can   $  .25 

4  ounce  can   70 

8  ounce  can   1.30 

16  ounce  can   2.50 

5  pound  can  10.00 

10  pound  can 

2+  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

««  A  ^i£^  99 



"Agfa"-Hydrokinone  comes  in  fine  crystal- 
line needles,  and  is  capable  of  giving  great  den- 
sity and  of  being  easily  restrained. 

It  is  recommended  for  use  in  combination 
with  Potassium  Carbonate.  Owing  to  its  giv- 
ing great  density  "Agfa"-Hydrokinone  is  gen- 
erally used  in  combination  with  a  softer  working  developer 
such  as  "Agfa"-Metol  or  "Agfa"-Eikonogen.  The  following 
formula  we  recommend  for  a  single  Hydrokinone  developer 
and  it  is  of  good  keeping  qualities : 


Water,  Distilled    15      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    l/2  oz. 

Sodium    Sulphite    4      ozs. 

Potassium  Carbonate  7      ozs. 

For  use  dilute  with  four  to  six  parts  of  water. 
Potassium  Bromide  has  a  great  restraining  power  in  con- 
nection with  this  developer  and  is  a  preventive  of  fog.     This 
solution  should  be  used  at  a  temperature  of  about  65  degrees, 
a  colder  solution  working  very  slowly. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone  is  recommended  in  combination  with 
"Agfa"-Metol  and  "Agfa"-Eikonogen,  formulae  for  which 
will  be  found  under  "Agfa"-Metol  and  "Agfa"-Eikonogen 

1  ounce  can   17 

4  ounce  can    45 

8  ounce  can   80 

16  ounce  can    1  50 

5  pound  can   6.25 

10  pound  can  10.00 

Photographic   Specialties 

26  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 



"Agfa"-Rodinal  is  a  highly  concentrated 
developing  solution  which  must  be  diluted  with 
anywhere  from  10  to  40  parts  of  tap  or  spring 
water,  according  to  the  exposure  given  and 
the  make  of  plate. 

As  "Agfa"-Rodinal  contains  only  traces  of 
carbonic  alkalies,  the  use  of  distilled  water  for 
dilution  is  not  necessary.     In  connection  with 
the  use  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  the  following  re- 
marks should  be  carefully  noted : 
In  addition  to  neutral  sulphite  and  water  "Agfa"-Rodinal 
contains  only  an  alkaline  salt  of  Paramidophenol,  but  no  excess 
of  caustic  alkali. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal  has  excellent  keeping  qualities.  This 
applies  not  only  to  full  bottles  but  also  to  those  that  have  been 
opened  and  partly  used.  Although  it  has  been  observed  that 
in  opened  bottles  "Agfa"-Rodinal  becomes  darker  in  color, 
still  this  change  produces  no  noticeable  effects  upon  the  work- 
ing properties  of  the  solution.  As  is  the  case  with  all  other 
dilute  alkaline  developers  "Agfa"-Rodinal  when  prepared  for 
use  by  the  addition  of  a  large  proportion  of  water,  naturally 
does  not  keep  quite  so  well.  After  standing  some  days  the 
solution  assumes  a  reddish  tinge  and  gradually  loses  in  devel- 
oping power.  If  it  be  desired  to  keep  "Agfa"-Rodinal  in  a 
diluted  condition  for  a  long  time,  add  instead  of  water  a  solu- 
tion containing  5  to  10  per  cent,  of  pure  sodium  sulphite  (crys- 
tals) or  half  the  quantity  of  dry  or  granular  salt. 

Owing  to  the  highly  concentrated  character  of  "Agfa"- 
Rodinal  small  quantities  of  a  white  salt  are  deposited,  espe- 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  27 

cially  in  opened  bottles,  when  the  preparation  is  kept  for  a 
long  time.  This  deposit  does  not  affect  the  developer  in  any 
waj.  It  is  formed  by  the  action  of  the  air  on  the  sulphite 
added  to  preserve  the  Paramidophenol  salt,  to  which  addition 
the  keeping  quality  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  is  due.  In  no  way  is 
the  energy  of  the  developer  affected  thereby. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal  is  adaptable  to  every  kind  of  dry  plate  on 
the  market,  rapid  or  slow,  and  of  every  make.  It  is  hardly 
necessary  to  add  that,  with  the  same  methods  of  workings,  dif- 
ferent makes  of  plates  will  not  give  equally  good  results.  When 
'  diluted  in  the  proportion  of  from  1  in  10  to  1  in  20  "Agfa"- 
Rodinal  develops  very  quickly  and  produces  very  strong  con- 
trasts. When  further  diluted — in  the  proportion  of  from  1  in 
30  to  1  in  40 — the  development  is  slower  and  softer  contrasts 
are  obtained.  From  this  it  follows  that  plates  which  have  a 
tendency  to  strong  contrasts  must  be  treated  with  a  more  dilute 
solution  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal,  while  for  other  kinds  a  more  con- 
centrated solution  should  be  used. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal  is  therfore  more  handy  to  use  than  any 
other  developer ;  it  produces  perfect  negatives,  clear,  clean  and 
of  perfect  gradation  in  the  lights,  halftones  and  shadows. 


In  case  of  normal  exposure  develop  with 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    1  part 

Water    20  parts 

In  case  of  over-exposure,  with 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    1  part 

Water    10  to  20  parts 

adding  an  ample  quantity  of  a  solution  of  potassium  bromide 
(1  in  10)  and 

In  case  of  under  exposure  use 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    1  part 

Water 20  to  40  parts 

The  most  advantageous  temperature  for  the  developing 
solution  is  15  degrees  C.  (equal  to  59  degrees  F.). 

28  THE  "AGFA"   BOOK 

If  it  be  desired  to  work  more  slowly  with  a  strong  solution 
of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  (1  in  10  to  1  in  20)  an  abundance  of  a  10 
per  cent,  solution  of  potassium  bromide  must  be  added.  This 
addition  lengthens  the  time  of  development  without  influencing 
the  character  of  the  negative  as  much  as  in  the  case  of  the  other 
alkaline  developers. 

Treated  with  a  solution  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  (1  in  20)  an 
over  exposed  plate  gives  a  negative  rich  in  detail  but  thin.  Over 
exposed  plates  are  advantageously  treated  with  a  strong  solu- 
tion of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  (1  in  20,  to  1  in  10)  to  which  a  con- 
siderable quantity  of  a  10  per  cent,  solution  of  potassium  bro- 
mide has  been  added.  In  this  way  it  is  possible  to  obtain  even 
from  over  exposed  plates  negatives  showing  the  finest  details 
and  rich  in  contrasts. 

In  case  of  under  exposure  a  strong  solution  of  "Agfa"- 
Rodinal  will  produce  too  much  contrast.  The  high  lights  will 
disappear  while  the  shadow  details  are  coming  up.  Under 
exposed  plates  are  therefore  best  developed  with  a  more  dilute 
solution  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  (1  in  30,  to  1  in  40).  The  devel- 
opment takes  somewhat  longer,  but  on  the  other  hand,  the 
reproduction  of  the  lighting  of  the  subject  is  perfect  and  more 
harmonious.  Should  the  negative  be  somewhat  thin  it  may  be 
strengthened  by  means  of  an  intensifier.  "Agfa"-Intensifier  is 
especially  recommended  in  this  case. 

The  fact  that  a  concentrated  solution  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal 
produces  more  contrast,  while  a  dilute  solution  works  more 
softly,  affords  a  valuable  means  of  correcting  any  shortcom- 
ings in  the  lighting  of  the  subject.  Negatives  taken  in  a  vivid 
light — for  example,  street  views  by  sunlight — are  usually  best 
treated  with  a  weak  solution  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  (1  in  25,  to 
1  in  35),  while  views  taken  in  diffused  light — for  example, 
landscapes  in  cloudy  weather — should  be  treated  with  a  con- 
centrated solution  (1  in  20,  to  1  in  15),  to  which  a  little  potas- 
sium bromide  should  be  added. 

It  follows  from  the  foregoing  that  it  is  well  to  begin  de- 
velopment with  "Agfa"-Rodinal  diluted  in  the  proportion  of  1 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  29 

in  30  and  then  if  necessary  to  correct  by  adding  drop  by  drop 
a  solution  composed  as  follows : 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    1       oz. 

Potassium  Bromide,  Crystals 1/3  oz. 

Water    .'< 1        oz. 

Negatives  developed  with  Rodinal  seem  to  lose  density  in 
the  fixing  bath.  It  is  therefore  necessary  to  carry  development 
a  little  further  than  is  required. 


"Agfa"-Rodinal  is  eminently  suitable  for  the  development 
of  bromide  papers  on  account  of  its  economy  in  use,  efficiency 
and  cleanliness.  It  produces  an  image  with  clear  high  lights 
and  full  detail,  with  soft  and  pleasing  blacks,  and  stain  is  an 

For  ordinary  bromide  papers  take 

"Agfa'VRodinal       1  part 

Water  Up  to  100  parts 

The  resultant  tone  varies  from  a  pleasing  blue-black  to  a 
rich  grey-black  and  is  dependent  upon  the  proportions  of  the 
solution,  strong  solutions  giving  a  blue-black  color,  while  dilute 
solutions  produce  more  of  a  grey  tone.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  strength  of  the  solution  must  depend  very  much  on  the 
exposure,  so  that  it  is  impossible  to  give  a  correct  formula,  but 
every  worker  can  easily  learn  from  experience  what  exposures 
require  certain  strengths  of  developer  to  produce  a  certain 
color.  There  is  some  advantage  in  developing  with  a  weak 
solution  in  that  a  strong  solution  may  be  applied  locally  to 
bring  out  certain  parts  of  a  picture  which  otherwise  would  not 
be  fully  developed  or  prominent  enough  by  the  time  the  remain- 
der of  the  picture  is  finished. 

&  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK: 

For  developing  papers  take 

"Agfa"-Rodinal 1  part 

Water    15-20  parts. 

Add  10  per  cent,  potassium  bromide  solution,  3  drops  per  ounce 
of  solution. 


The  use  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  for  the  production  of  lantern 
slides  is  highly  recommended  because  of  the  vivid  detail,  the 
clearness  of  the  shadows  and  cleanliness  of  the  high  lights.  The 
formula  recommended  is  1  part  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  to  30  parts 
of  water,  without  the  addition  of  bromide.  Bear  in  mind  when 
developing  the  characteristic  loss  of  strength  in  an  "Agfa"- 
Rodinal-developed  image  which  occurs  in  the  fixing  bath,  the 
final  color  is  a  rich  blue-black  and  is  very  transparent,  produc- 
ing ideal  slides  for  projection. 


The  use  of  "Agfa"-Rodinal  Hydrokinone  is  advocated  by 
many  leading  and  experienced  workers,  as  it  combines  the 
power  and  detail  obtainable  with  "Agfa"-Rodinal  together 
with  the  density  given  by  "Agfa"-Hydrokinone.  It  is  admir- 
ably calculated  for  snapshots,  and  highly  recommended  for 
portrait  work  when  used  in  the  quantities  indicated  below : 

A — Sodium  Sulphite   1  oz. 

Water  20  ozs. 

Citric   Acid    5  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide  1  drm. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    2  drms. 

B — Potassium  Carbonate  2  ozs. 

Water    20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    1  oz. 

TH£  "AGFA"  BOOK  & 

For  soft  negatives  (portraits,  etc.)  take  equal  parts  of  A, 
B  and  water.  For  brilliant  negatives  take  equal  parts  of  A 
and  B. 

For  detail,  increase  the  quantity  of  B.  For  density,  in- 
crease the  qnantity  of  A. 


3  ounce  bottle $  .60 

8  ounce  bottle 1.10 

16  ounce  bottle..  .  2.00 



"Agfa"-Intensifier  is  introduced  to  replace 
the  ordinary  mode  of  intensification  with  Mer- 
cury or  Uranium,  and  presents  the  following 
advantages : 

Intensification  is  absolutely  complete  in  one 
manipulation,  without  the  troublesome  second- 
ary blackening  with  Ammonia,  Cyanide  of  Sil- 
ver or  Soda  Sulphite,  which  is  necessary  when 
the  mercury  process  is  employed,  the  image,  when  intensified 
with  "Agfa"-Intensifier,  assuming  the  desired  depth  at  once. 

"Agfa"-Intensifier  gives  no  unstable  reddish-brown  stain, 
which  occurs  with  Uranium,  making  it  difficult  to  decide  when 
the  necessary  degree  of  intensification  has  arrived. 

"Agfa"-Intensifier  is  a  clear  liquid  of  unlimited  durability, 
which  is  simply  diluted  with  water  to  be  ready  for  immediate 

"Agfa"-Intensifier  is,  therefore,  an  ideal  substitute  for 
former  intensifiers. 


Dilute  1  part  of  "Agfa"-Intensifier  with  10  parts  of  water 
and  immerse  the  negative  to  be  intensified  in  the  dilute  solution, 
leaving  it  in  this  bath  until  the  necessary  intensification  is 
arrived  at,  which  can  be  judged  with  facility. 

Intensification  commences  immediately,  and  at  the  expi- 
ration of  two  minutes  is  well  advanced,  and  in  many  cases 
is  quite  sufficient. 

The  maximum  intensification  is  complete  in  the  first  ten 
minutes.  If  the  plate  be  left  in  the  solution  for  a  longer  period 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  33 

the  image  assumes  a  whitish-grey  tone  and  is  rendered  more 

In  this  case  the  plate  should  be  well  washed  and  then 
developed  with  any  weak  developer,  when  a  very  strongly 
intensified  image  will  result. 

The  intensified  negative  is  then  well  washed  and  dried. 
All  traces  of  the  intensifier  may  be  removed,  if  necessary,  by 
immersing  the  plate  in  a  1  per  cent,  solution  of  Soda  Hypo- 

"Agfa"-Intensifier  can  be  used  with  great  advantage  in 
photo-mechanical  reproduction  for  the  intensification  of  half- 
tone negatives. 

With  the  "Agfa"-Intensifier  there  is  no  separate  blacken- 
ing such  as  is  required  by  the  ordinary  mercury  intensifier. 
The  manipulation  is  therefore  not  only  simpler,  but  the  effect 
.  of  intensification  can  be  controlled  more  easily  than  in  the 
separate  blackening  operations. 

The  "Agfa"-Intensifier  is  to  be  preferred,  because  only 
one  solution  is  required.  Further,  because  the  danger  of  a  for- 
mation of  fog  does  not  exist. 

The  blackening  can  be  extended  so  far  with  the  "Agfa"- 
Intensifier  that  mercuric  bromide  intensification  is  surpassed  in 
this  respect. 


2  ounce  bottle  $  .30 

4  ounce  bottle  50 

8  ounce  bottle  90 

16  ounce  bottle  .  .  1.60 



Agfa  "-Rapid 
Fixing  Salt 

This  product,  being  dissolved 
in  water,  gives  an  acid  fixing 
bath  that  surpasses  all  previous 
methods  of  fixing. 

1.  It  fixes  much  more  quickly 
than  any  other  bath  containing 
an  equal  quantity  of  hypo. 

2.  The  period  of  fixation  is  not 
appreciably  extended  by  repeated  use  of  the  bath. 

We  have  found  by  the  most  careful  testing  that  a  plate  only 
requires  about  half  the  time  in  this  new  bath  that  is  necessary 
in  the  baths  generally  in  use  (for  instance,  in  the  usual  hypo 
bath  of  "1  in  4"  strength).  The  absorption  power  of  the  prod- 
uct is  much  greater,  thus,  in  3^  ozs.  10  negatives  only  require 
one-fourth  the  time  and  20  negatives  only  one-fifth  the  time 
taken  by  the  ordinary  fixing  bath. 

On  these  grounds  it  is  claimed  that  the  "Agfa"  Rapid 
Fixing  Salt  is  a  most  welcome  and  useful  addition  to  the  pho- 
tographer's means  of  certain  and  rapid  work,  especially  where, 
as  in  the  case  of  travelling  and  in  hot  climates,  it  is  desirable 
to  get  the  negative  through  the  various  manipulations  as 
quickly  as  possible. 

To  Professional,  Press  and  Process  Workers  it  is  a  great 
boon,  permitting  much  more  rapid  work  and  removing  the  old 
annoyance  and  danger  of  congestion  of  work  at  the  fixing  bath. 

Further,  it  is  a  wonderful  help  in  the  development  of 
strips  of  roll  film,  and  to  amateurs,  who  can  go  on  developing 
without  the  tiresome  waiting  for  the  last  negative  to  fix. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  35 

Trials  with  this  preparation  show  that  a  solution  of  1  in 
5  gives  an  acid  fixing  bath  that  is  much  more  rapid  in  action 
than  a  solution  of  hypo  1-4.  Also  remains  much  longer  in  use, 
and  its  superiority  is  more  marked  the  more  plates  are  fixed 
in  it. 

The  "Agfa"-Rapid  Fixing  Salt  is  an  ammonia  preparation 
and  its  solution  1-5  does  not  contain  more  thiosulphite  than  the 
usual  hypo  bath  of  1-4,  although  the  reduction  of  silver  bromide 
is  so  much  more  rapid. 


No.  1  size  $.15 

No.  2  size   25 




a  "-Copper- 

This  is  a  new  preparation  which  we  have 
brought  out  after  a  most  strenuous  search  for 
a  preparation  that  would  not  contain  the  Mer- 
cury Salt. 

It  has  the  following  great  advantages:  Requires  one 
manipulation,  no  secondary  treatment,  such  as  blackening, 
needed.  It  is  put  up  in  dry  form  in  a  container,  the  stopper  of 
which  serves  as  a  measuring  glass.  The  contents  of  this  stop- 
per dissolved  in  3^  ozs.  of  water  gives  an  intensifier  of  beau- 
tiful working  ability. 


50  grm.  bottle  $  .65 

Box  of  10  tubes..  .  .85 



*'A^fa  "-Reducer 

In  order  to  simplify  the  manipulations  of  the 
photographic  worker  we  have  brought  out  a 
reducer  in  a  permanent  form  under  this  title. 
The  "Agfa"-Reducer  claims  notice  on  account 
of  its  convenience  in  enabling  a  "ready-for- 
use"  solution,  to  be  instantly  prepared  by  sim- 
ply dissolving  it  in  water :  1  part  to  10  parts  of  water. 

The  "Agfa"-Reducer  is  very  permanent  in  its  dry  form 
and  is  packed  in  a  most  convenient  manner,  so  that  a  solution 
can  at  once  be  prepared  without  scales  and  weights. 

The  "Agfa"-Reducer,  which  is  a  novel  and  specially  pre- 
pared combination  of  a  ferric  salt  and  an  alkali  thiosulphite, 
comes  into  the  market  as  a  granular  yellowish-white  powder 
contained  in  an  orange-glass  bottle  fitted  with  a  metal  screw 
cap.  Underneath  the  cap  is  a  glass  stopper,  provided  with  an 
India-rubber  washer,  so  that  when  the  cap  is  properly  screwed 
down  an  air-tight  joint  is  made.  The  underside  of  the  stopper 
is  hollow  and  serves  as  a  very  convenient  measure  for  the  sub- 
stance. When  filled  level  to  the  top  it  holds  about  5  grms., 

the  proper  quantity  of  the  sub- 
stance for  making  50  centimetres 
of  solution. 

In  order  to  prepare  the  Reducer, 
the  measure  full  of  the  solid  is  dis- 
solved in  50  cubic  centimetres  (1^4 
fluid  ozs.)  of  soft  or  distilled  water, 
the  solution  being  easily  and  quickly 
made  without  heating,  if  the  water 
is  vigorously  shaken  for  a  short 
time.  The  quantity  is  ample  for  a 
quarter-plate  or  5x4  negative,  and  in  a  really  flat  dish  can  be 
made  to  answer  for  a  half-plate.  But,  if  necessary,  a  larger 

38  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

quantity  of  the  solution  can,  of  course,  be  made  up,  the  solid 
substance  and  the  water  being  always  kept  in  the  same  pro- 
portion, i.  e.,  two  measures  of  the  solid  for  100  cubic  centi- 
metres (3^2  fluid  ozs.)  of  water,  and  so  on. 

The  best  plan  is  to  turn  the  measured  solid  substance  on 
to  a  piece  of  paper,  and  then  gradually  drop  it  into  the  water, 
which  should  be  kept  in  motion.  If  the  solid  is  thrown  in  a 
mass  into  still  water  it  is  liable  to  form  a  kind  of  cake,  with  the 
result  that  the  process  of  dissolving  takes  considerably  more 

The  solution  is  poured  over  the  negative,  previously  well 
soaked  in  water,  and  the  dish  is  rocked  gently.  The  reducing 
action  begins  almost  immediately,  proceeds  regularly,  and  takes 
place  in  a  remarkably  even  manner.  The  change  is  readily 
watched,  and  when  reduction  has  gone  far  enough  the  negative 
is  well  rinsed  with  water,  and  afterwards  well  washed  in  the 
ordinary  way,  and  the  process  is  complete.  Nothing  could  be 
more  simple.  The  time  required  varies  with  the  degree  of 
reduction  desired  and  also,  to  some  extent,  with  the  nature  of 
the  plate  (harness  of  the  gelatine,  etc.),  but,  in  ordinary 
cases  of  over-developed  negatives  five  minutes  is  ususally  suf- 
ficient. Lantern  slides  and  diapositives  can  also  be  satisfactorily 
reduced  in  the  same  way.  The  color,  if  originally  warm,  be- 
comes somewhat  colder  after  reduction. 

Bromide  prints  can  likewise  be  successfully  reduced  by 
the  "Agfa"-Reducer,  though,  if  the  desired  reduction  is  slight, 
it  is  advisable  to  dilute  the  Reducer.  Contrary  to  what  happens 
in  the  case  of  diapositives,  the  color  seems  to  be,  as  a  rule,  a 
little  warmer  after  reduction.  The  process  is  very  convenient 
in  the  case  of  slightly  over-printed  Bromide  prints. 

Direct  experiments  made  by  printing  on  Print-Out  Papers 
from  the  same  negatives  before  and  after  reductions  show  that 
the  action  of  the  "Agfa"-Reducer  is  practically  proportional 
to  the  capacity  of  the  image,  and  consequently  the  gradations 
and  contrasts  of  the  negatives  are  substantially  the  same  before 
and  after  the  reduction.  For  this  reason  the  "Agfa"-Reducer 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  39 

is  especially  valuable  in  the  case  of  negatives  and  positives  that 
have  been  over-developed  without  being  fogged.  There  is  a 
slight  tendency  toward  increased  contrasts  in  the  reduced  nega- 
tive, but  in  most  cases  only  very  slight. 

It  is  important  to  mention  that  soft  or  distilled  water  must 
be  used  for  making  up  the  reducing  solution,  as  when  hard 
water  is  used  a  certain  quantity  of  a  brown  precipitate  is 
formed.  If,  through  the  use  of  hard  water,  the  negative  or  the 
positive  should  acquire  a  slightly  brownish-yellow  stain,  this 
can  readily  be  removed  by  immersion  for  a  short  time  in  a 
weak  alum  solution  to  which  a  small  quantity  of  oxalic  acid 
has  been  added. 

The  same  quantity  of  reducing  solution  can  be  used  for 
two  or  three  negatives  in  succession,  though  its  action  naturally 
becomes  weaker,  and  it  is  important  that  it  should  not  be  ex- 
posed for  any  length  of  time  to  bright  daylight.  The  solid 
substance  itself  should  also  be  kept  in  the  shade. 

The  "Agfa"-Reducer  is  not  only  efficient  and  easily 
worked,  but  it  is  also  particularly  convenient,  a  point  of  im- 
portance in  view  of  the  fact  that  reduction  is  only  an  occasional 
operation.  It  is  very  compact  in  form,  and  is  always  ready  for 
use.  The  making  up  of  the  solution  is  simple  and  rapid,  and 
involves  no  weighing. 

It  has  been  decided  to  put  the  "Agfa"-Reducer  in  cartridge 
form  as  well  as  in  bottles. 

Each  cartridge  contains  10  grms.,  and  is  to  be  dissolved  in 
3l/2  ozs.  of  water  (100  c.  c.),  the  other  operations  being  the 


4  ounce  bottle $  .65 

Box  of  10  tubes  .  .75 



(Called  "Adfa"-Blitzlicht) 

"Agfa"-Blitzlicht  is  a  scientific 
combination  of  chemicals  of  a  dif- 
ferent composition  than  the  usual 
Magnesium  and  Potassium  Chlo- 
rate mixture  and  possess  the  follow- 
ing undisputed  advantages: 

1.  Minimum  smoke  development. 

2.  Maximum  amount  of  light. 

3.  The  most  rapid  flash. 

4.  Silent  discharge. 

5.  No  danger  of  explosion. 

6.  Convenient  packing. 

7.  Economy  in  use. 

The  claims  we  make  on  behalf  of  the  small  smoke  devel- 
opment are  that  the  "Agfa"-Flashlight  Powder  gives  only  one- 
tenth  of  the  smoke  produced  by  the  usual  magnesium  and  po- 
tassium chlorate  mixture.  Besides  which,  owing  to  the  greater 
light  development,  "Agfa"-Flashlight  only  needs  to  be  used  in 
small  quantities  which,  apart  from  economy,  is  a  potential 
factor  in  the  reduction  of  the  smoke  nuisance.  What  little 
smoke  there  is  is  a  bluish  transparent  film  which  quickly  rolls 
off  and  disappears.  The  great  lighting  power  makes  the 
"Agfa"-Flashlight  very  economical;  the  intensity  and  actinic 
power  is  three  times  as  great  as  any  other  preparation  used  in 
the  same  proportions. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  41 

For  instance : 

For  portraits  use 54  grni.  (4  grs.) 

Small  groups  use 1  grm.  ( IS  grs.) 

Large  groups  use 2-3  grms.  (30-45  grs.) 

Very  large  groups  use 4-6  grms.   (60-90  grs.) 

The  further  advantage  of  rapid'  combustion  is  also  impor- 
tant, the  "flash"  lasting  in  all  only  l-30th  of  a  second.  This 
extraordinary  short  duration  (maximum  intensity  is  reached  at 
l-20th  of  a  second)  quite  removes  any  possibility  of  movement 
in  the  subject.  The  firing  takes  place  without  the  slightest 
noise.  "Agfa"-Flashlight  contains  nothing  explosive,  and  the 
separated  components  render  it,  before  fixing,  not  even  in- 

It  keeps  indefinitely  in  the  original  package. 


Empty  the  contents  of  the  small  bottle  into  the  larger  one 
(glass  bottle). 

Shake  thoroughly  so  as  to  intimately  mix  the  components ; 
make  a  little  heap  on  a  piece  of  tin  or  wood,  and  stick  a  piece 
of  the  touch  paper  upright  in  the  heap.  Light  this  paper  with 
a  match  and  the  sparks  will  quickly  run  down  to  and  ignite  the 

Other  sparking  methods  may  be  employed,  but  the  powder 
must  not  be  used  in  a  closed  or  blow-through  lamp. 

The  "Agfa"  Improved  Lamp  is  recommended  for  cer- 
tainty and  noiselessness. 

As  a  guide  to  the  quantity  of  "Agfa"-Flash  Powder  it 
must  be  remembered  that  the  quantity  of  light  required  at  a 
given  distance  to  illuminate  a  given  object  does  not  imply  that 
twice  the  quantity  of  powder  will  give  the  same  illumination 
at  double  the  distance.  It  is  an  accepted  fact  that  the  intensity 
of  light  decreases  in  proportion  to  the  square  of  the  distance. 
Therefore,  although  we  know  that  y2  a  gramme  of  the  powder 
will  give  correct  exposure  on  a  C.  D.  V.  portrait  at  a  distance 

42  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

of  two  yards,  we  must  make  a  little  calculation  to  find  what 
quantity  we  want  if  we  have  to  take  larger  surfaces. 

Now,  remembering  always  that  the  flash  must  not  occur 
in  front  of  the  lens,  we  will  suppose  that  to  take  a  group  we 
have  to  move  back  the  camera,  and  therefore  the  flash,  to  five 
yards.  By  the  above  rule  we  have  to  square  the  difference  in 
the  distance  and  multiply  the  result  by  the  quantity  of  powder ; 
thus  the  difference  between  2  yards  and  5  yards  is  3,  and  squar- 
ing this,  i.  e.,  3X3=9,  so  that  we  shall  have  9  times  less  light 
on  the  object  than  before;  we  must,  therefore,  multiply  the  J^ 
gramme  by  9,  and  this  gives  us  4^  grammes  as  the  correct 

This  rule  is  constant  as  long  as  the  lens  aperture,  etc., 
remain  constant,  so  in  taking  a  dinner  party,  should  the  chair- 
man (presumably  the  principal  object)  be  in  the  middle  dis- 
tance of  the  group,  all  will  be  well  if  the  rule  is  followed,  but 
supposing  he  is  in  the  extreme  distance  and  the  rule  is  fol- 
lowed, the  diners  in  the  near  foreground  would  be  over- 
exposed, so  a  certain  amount  of  discretion  must  be  used,  and 
the  light  must  be  elevated  as  high  as  possible;  this  will  have 
the  result  of  putting  the  foreground  into  more  or  less  shadow. 

The  intelligent  reader  can  apply  this  to  all  interior  sub- 
jects. No  diffuser  is  required  with  the  "Agfa"-Flashlight 
Powder,  the  light  being  naturally  soft,  but  a  plate  giving  soft 
results  is  to  be  desired,  as  also  a  developer  that  does  not  work 
for  contrast;  and  in  this  respect  Rodinal  well  diluted  can  be 
highly  recommended.  Development  should  not  be  forced;  it 
is  only  a  question  of  time,  and  a  few  minutes  difference  in  the 
developing  period  is  of  little  consequence. 


No.  1  size  (  10  grms.) $  .35 

No.  2  size  (  25  grms.) .65 

No.  3  size  (  50  grms.) 1.05 

No.  4  size  (100  grms.) 1.70 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  43 

"Agfa" -Flash  Lamp 


Improved  Model 

This  is  marketed  in  place  of  the  uncertain  striking  safety 
match  device.  A  spark-giving  metal  has  been  substituted,  and 
a  winding  spring  revolves  a  toothed  wheel  against  this  metallic 
substance,  giving  a  stream  of  sparks  at  each  revolution. 

It  is  absolutely  unfailing,  is  always  ready  for  use  at  a 
moment's  notice,  and  not  affected  by  damp  or  climatic  in- 

The  instrument  is  small  in  size,  is  elegantly  finished  in 
nickeled  metal  and  strongly  built. 

It  is  a  handy  pocket  size  and  as  simple  as  can  be  in 

Many  hundreds  of  sparks  can  be  given  without  renewing 
the  metal,  which,  however,  can  be  replaced  when  the  original 
is  worn  out. 

A  simple  attachment  permits  the  lamp  being  used  as  a 
stand  lamp,  and  a  pneumatic  release  can  also  be  supplied  if 
firing  it  at  a  distance. 


"Agfa"  Improved  Flashlamp $2.00 

Stand  and  Wire  Release  .  .    1.50 

44  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Stand  Development 

We  doubt  if  any  one  desiring  to  develop  by  stand  method 
has  the  intention  of  making  it  a  scientific  pursuit,  it  is  far 
rather  a  method  of  convenience  in  which  it  is  also  distinguished 
from  Time,  or  Factorial  Development. 

Stand  Development,  as  we  hereafter  describe,  is  purely 
and  simply  the  placing  of  places  in  a  more  or  less  dilute  devel- 
oper, and  examining  them  from  time  to  time  to  see  if  they  are 
done;  by  this  means  a  batch  of  various  exposures  may  all  be 
developed  in  the  same  tank,  and  as  the  more  fully  exposed  plates 
become  sufficiently  developed  they  are  removed  and  the  others 
left  until  completed  or  transferred  to  a  stronger  solution. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  this  method  produces  a  series  of 
very  level  negatives  and  may  suit  many  workers  when  once 
they  have  found  the  developer  which  produces  the  result  they 
require.  But  it  is  reducing  development  to  a  mechanical  pro- 
cess and  gives  very  little  scope  for  individuality. 

Formulae  for  this  method  are  given  under  "Agfa"-Glycin 
and  "Agfa"-Rodinal,  and  a  very  useful  table  is  given  under 
this  last  heading  showing  the  approximate  time  required  at 
various  temperatures. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  4$ 

Time,  or 
Factorial  Development 

Time  Development  is  perhaps  more  scientific  and  is  per- 
formed by  ascertaining  a  "factor"  or  number  which  is  multi- 
plied by  the  minutes  or  seconds  of  the  time  taken  for  the  first 
indication  of  an  image  to  appear ;  thus,  the  factorial  numbers 
for  the  various  developers  are  as  follows : 

!              "Agfa"- Amidol   18 
"Agfa"-Eikonogen   9 

"Agfa"-Glycin   10 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    5 

"Agfa"-Pyro-Soda   5 

"Agfa"-Imogen-Sulphite     5 

"Agfa"-Metol    30 

"Agfa"-Metol-Hydrokinone    14 

"Agfa"-Ortol    10 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    30 

so  that  supposing  the  image  appears  on  the  plate  in  a  solution 
of  "Agfa"-Eikonogen  in  30  seconds,  the  dish  may  be  covered 
up  and  rocked  for  4^2  minutes  and  the  plate  then  transferred 
to  the  fixing  bath  without  examination,  as  it  would  be  fully 
developed.  At  least  that  is  the  theory,  and  is  no  doubt  correct 
with  an  even  exposure  all  over  the  plate.  But  with  a  plate  that 
has  been  exposed  on  a  contrasty  subject  it  is  well  to  examine 
it  and  decide  if  the  result  is  what  is  desired. 

These  factorial  numbers  do  not  indicate  the  speed  of  the 
developer.  For  instance,  to  the  novice  "Agfa"-Metol  and 
"Agfa"-Rodinal  would  appear  rather  slow,  whereas  they  are 
two  most  rapid  developers,  and  it  is  owing  to  the  extraordinary 
rapidity  of  the  first  appearance  of  the  image  that  they  require 
such  high  factorial  numbers. 


Film   Development 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  47 

•Atfa"  Flat  Film. 

We  recommend 

"Agfa"-Rodinal  Formula Page  26 

"Agfa"Metol-Hydro  Formula Page     7 

"Agfa"-Pyro  Formula Page  22 

48  THE   "AGFA"   BOOK 

Ansco  Film. 


Water   64      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol   25      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Granular) Y±  oz. 

Sodium  Carbonate   V*  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone     45      grs. 

Potassium  Bromide  6      grs. 

The  chemicals  must  be  added  and  thoroughly  dissolved 
in  the  order  given.  From  this  stock  solution  enough  is  taken 
to  fill  the  tray.  The  stock  solution  will  keep  indefinitely  if  in 
full  bottles  tightly  stoppered. 


Dissolve  the  chemicals  in  order  named  in  about  6  ozs.  of 
lukewarm  water,  then  add  the  balance  of  the  water  cold. 


"Agfa"-Pyro    10  grs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Anhyd.) 30  grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda   (Anhyd.) 20  grs. 

Water    16  ozs. 


"Agfa"-Pyro    22  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd.) 66  grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda   (Anhyd.) 44  grs. 

Water   34  ozs. 


"Agfa"-Pyro    30  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd.) 90  grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda   (Anhyd.) 60  grs. 

Water   .  .  .46  ozs 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  49 




"Agfa"-Pyro    '. 20  grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda   (Anhyd.) 60  grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda   (Anhyd.) 40  grs. 

Water   16  ozs. 


'Agfa"-Pyro    44  grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Anhyd.) 132  grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda   (Anhyd.) 88  grs. 

Water    34  grs. 


"Agfa"   Pyro    60  grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Anhyd.) 180  grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda   (Anhyd.) 120  grs. 

Water   46 


50  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK 

Barnet  Film. 


Solution  No.  1. 

Water   (Distilled)    80  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1  oz. 

Potassium   Bromide    60  grs. 

Nitric  Acid   20  drops 

Time    20  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water,  Distilled)    80  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   9  ozs. 

Sodium    Carbonate 8  ozs. 

Time    20  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  of  1  and  2. 


"Agfa"-   Rodinal    1  oz. 

Water    40  ozs. 

Time    20  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 


Water   20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Ortol   10  grs. 

Potassium  Metabisulphite   5  grs. 

Sodium    Sulphite     65  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   65  grs. 

Time   30  min. 

Temperature   65  deg. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  51 

Eastman  Film. 

Solution  No.  1. 

Water    28      ozs. 

Sulphuric  Acid  20      drops. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    ' 1      oz. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water    28      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Desiccated) 3      ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate  (Desiccated)    2      ozs. 

For  dark  room  development  take: 

Solution  No.  1   ^2  oz. 

Solution  No.  2  y*  oz. 

Water    4      ozs. 

For  Kodak  Developing  Machine,  Brownie  Developing  Box 
(6  minute  development)  or  Kodak  Film  Tank  (10  minute  de- 
velopment) take  the  following  proportions: 

Solution  No.  1  1      oz. 

Solution  No.  2  1      oz. 

Water    10      ozs. 

For  Kodak  Film  Tank  (20  minute  development)  take  the 
following  proportions : 

Solution  No.  1  1  oz. 

Solution  No.  2 1  oz. 

Water    22  ozs. 

Temperature    65  deg. 


Stock  Solution. 

Water    35  ozs. 

"Aga"-Glycin    120  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Anhyd)    360  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate  (Anhyd) 360  grs. 

52  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

To  develop  take : 

Stock  Solution 10  ozs. 

Water    30  ozs. 

Time    20  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 


Water    20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    10  grs. 

Potassium  Metabisulphite  5  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    65  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate 65  grs. 

Time    30  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 


"Agfa"-Rodinal    1  oz. 

Water    100  ozs. 

Time  (Landscape)    30  min. 

Time  (Architectural)    23  min. 

Time  (Portrait)    18  min. 

Temperature    .',..65  deg. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  53 


Ensign  Film. 


Stock  Solution. 

Water    8  ozs. 

Nitric  Acid  ' 20  drops. 

"Agfa"-Pyro     1  oz. 

Solution  No.  1. 

Stock  Solution  2      ozs. 

Water    .  ..20      ozs. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water    20      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Cryst) 2l/2  ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   (Cryst) 21/^  ozs. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  of  No.  1  and  No.  2.    For  known  over- 
exposure  take  two  parts  No.  1  to  one  part  No.  2. 


Water    35      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol 100      grs. 

"Agfa"-   Hydrokinone    120      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd) 21/^  ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate    2l/2  ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide    7      grs. 

For  use  take  one  part  of  the  above  solution  to  four  parts  of  water. 


Hot  water   96  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    40  grs. 

"Agfa"-Glycin 20  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd)   75  grs. 

Potassium  Carbonate  300  grs. 

Time    45  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 


"Agfa"-Rodinal    1      oz. 

Water    40      ozs. 

Time   20      min. 

Temperature    65      deg. 

54  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Lumiere  Film. 


Solution  A. 

Temperature  65  to  70  degrees Factor  25. 

Water  (Distilled)    16      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Dry) 1      oz. 

"Agfa"-Metol    120     grs. 

Solution  B. 

Water    (Distilled)    16      ozs. 

Carbonate  Potassium  2      ozs. 

For  use  take  4  ozs.  Solution  A,  1  oz.  Solution  B  and  5  ozs.  Dis- 
tilled Water. 

Factor  30. 

«Agfa"-Rodinal    *A  oz. 

Water    10      ozs. 

Solution  A. 

Temperature  65  to  70  Degrees Factor  8. 

Water  (Distilled)    16      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Dry) *A  oe. 

"Agfa"-Glycin    160     grs. 

Dissolve  Glycin  in  hot  water. 

Solution  B. 

Water  (Distilled)   24     ozs. 

Carbonate  Potassium  3     ozs. 

For  use  take  2  ozs.  Solution  A,  3  ozs.  Solution  B. 


Dry  Plate  Development 

56  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

"Agfa"  Plates. 

Ordinary  "Agfa"  Plates. 

We  recommend 

"Agf  a"-Rodinal  Formula  .............  Page  26 

"Agfa"-Metol  Formula  ...............  Page    7 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen  Formula  ..........  Page  14 

"Agfa"-Metol-Hydro  Formula  ........  Page     7 

"  Chromo  Plates. 


"Agfa"-Metol  ..................................  48  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone     .........................   72  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (cryst.)  .....................     2  ozs. 

Potassium    Carbonate    .......................  192  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide  ..........................   10  grs. 

Water    .....................................     20  ozs. 


"Agfa"-Rodinal   ...............................  20  grs. 

Water    ......................................     1  oz. 

Isolar  Plates. 

We  recommend 

"Agfa"-Rodinal  Formula  .............  Page  26 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen  Formula  ..........  Page  14 

"Agfa"-Glycin  Formula  ..............  Page  17 

"Agfa"-Pyro  Formula  ...............  Page  22 

"Agfa"  Ghromo  Isolar  Plates. 

We  recommend 

"Agfa"-Rodinal  Formula  .............  Page  26 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen   Formula    .........  Page  14 

"Agfa"-Pyro  Formula  ...............  Page  22 

"Agfa"-Metol-Hydro  Formula  ........  Page    7 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  57 

Barnet  Plates. 

If  the  exposure  of  the  plate  has  been  correct,  then  the 
development  is  simple  enough.  Development  of  a  Barnet 
Ortho  Plate  should  be  carried  a  little  further  than  might  be 
considered  necessary  for  a  non-ortho  plate,  and  if  fully  ex- 
posed the  result  will  be  soft  and  well  graded. 

(Strongly  Recommended.) 

Stock  Solution  A. — Dissolve  100  grains  of  Potassium 
Meta-Bisulphite  in  water  and  then  add  1  oz.  of  "Agfa"-Pyro 
and  60  grains  of  Potassium  Bromide  and  make  up  with  water 
to  measure  8  oz. 


No.  1  Solution. 

Stock  Solution  A 2      ozs. 

Water   18      ozs. 

No.  2  Solution. 

Soda  Carbonate,  Crystal 2  ozs. 

Soda    Sulphite 2%  ozs. 

Water,  to  make  20  ozs. 

For  use,  take  equal  parts  of  Nos.  1  and  2. 


"Agfa"-Metol   25      grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    20      grs. 

Soda    Sulphite l/2  oz. 

Soda  Carbonate y2  oz. 

Potass.    Bromide 10      grs. 

Water,  to  make  up  to 10      ozs. 

Be  careful  that  the  developer  is  neither  too  warm  nor  too 
cold ;  a  good  temperature  is  from  60  to  65  degrees. 

Rinse  the  plate  thoroughly  after  development  to  prevent 
stains  and  fix. 

58  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Cramer  Plates. 



Pure  Water 16  ozs. 

Oxalic   Acid 12  grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1  oz. 


Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 2      ozs. 

(Which  will  test  60  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 
If  negatives  are  too  yellow  use  more  Sulphite. 


Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Cramer's   Dry   Carbonate  of   Soda 1      oz. 

(Which  will  test  30  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 

Mix  for  immediate  use,  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz. ;  Water  (65 
to  70  de.  F.  ),  10  ozs. 

In  summer  the  developer  should  be  used  cooler  (about 
60°  Fahr.)  or  with  more  water.  In  winter  it  should  be  used 
warmer  (about  75°  Fahr.)  or  with  less  water.  Less  water 
hastens  development  and  increases  contrast.  More  water 
slows  development,  gives  less  contrast  and  is  better  for  short 

If  Cramer's  Dry  Carbonate  of  Soda  is  used,  Solution  C 
as  given  above  is  of  the  proper  strength.  When  other  brands 
are  used  it  may  be  necessary  to  vary  the  strength  of  this  solu- 
tion, bearing  in  mind  that  an  excess  of  Carbonate  blocks  the 
lights  and  increases  contrasts. 


Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Citric   Acid 20      grs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda ^  oz. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  t  59 


Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 2      ozs. 

(Which  will  test  60  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 

Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Cramer's   Dry   Carbonate   of   Soda 2      ozs. 

(Which  will  test  60  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 

Mix  for  immediate  use,  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz.;  C,  1  oz.;  Water  (at 
50  deg.  Fahr),  50  ozs. 


Water  (at  50  deg.  Fahr.)   100  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal     1  oz. 

In  addition  to  the  normal  formulas  described  in  the  pre- 
ceding chapter  the  following  formulas  are  selected  from  the 
great  many  now  in  use.  Any  other  good  developer  can  be  em- 
ployed, provided  its  strength  is  regulated  to  suit  the  plate. 

In  One  Solution. 

Pure  Water 60      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    300      grs. 

Bromide  of  Potassium 20      grs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 3      ozs. 

Cramer's   Dry   Carbonate   of    Soda \l/2  ozs. 

For  use,  mix  1  part  of  this  Stock  Solution  and  Water,  1  to  2 
parts  for  winter  use,  or  2  to  4  parts  for  summer  use,  according  to 
density  desired. 

The  "Agfa"-Ortol  Developer  can  be  used  repeatedly  and 
keeps  well,  particularly  if  the  stock  solution  is  put  up  in  small 
bottles  quite  full  and  tightly  corked  to  exclude  air.  Dilute  with 
water  when  wanted  for  use.  Always  carry  the  development 
far  enough  to  insure  good  printing  quality. 

60  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 



Pure    Water 25  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    30  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinon    90  grs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 1  oz. 


Pure    Water 25      ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Carbonate  of  Soda y2  oz. 

(Which  will  test  10  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 
For  use  mix  A  and  B  in  equal  parts.     Can  be  used  repeatedly. 


A  and  B  mixed  in  equal  parts  keeps  well.  The  above  in- 
gredients can  all  be  put  together  in  one  solution.  With  fresh 
developer  it  may  be  necessary  to  add  to  each  ounce  1  drop  of 
Bromide  of  Potassium  solution  (containing  1  part  of  Bromide 
Potassium  to  10  parts  of  water). 

NOTE. — This  is  a  very  fine  and  desirable  developer.  It 
should  not  be  used  too  old  or  too  much  diluted,  as  it  is  then 
liable  to  produce  peculiar  streaks  and  blotches. 

Solution  B  can  be  replaced  by  an  equal  quantity  of  diluted 
Acetone  (Cramer's  Liquid  Acetone)  to  20  parts  of  water. 



Pure  Hot  Water 60  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen   1  oz. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 2  ozs. 


Pure    Water 60      ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Carbonate  of  Soda 2      ozs. 

(Which  will  test  16  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 
For  use  take  A,  3  ozs.;  B,  1  oz. 

This  developer  works  best  after  being  used  a  few  times. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  61 

When  starting  with  fresh  solution,  add  some  old,  or  if  no 
old  is  on  hand,  add  to  each  ounce  1  drop  of  a  10%  Bromide  of 
Potassium  solution  to  make  it  work  clear.  For  short  exposures 
use  3  ozs.  A,  ^2  oz.  B. 


Pure   Hot  Water 48      ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda ll/2  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen    1      oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone     %  oz. 


Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Cramer's   Dry   Carbonate  of   Soda 1      oz. 

(Which  will  test  30  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 

For  use  take  A,  3  ozs.;  B,  1  oz.;  Water   (at  65  deg.  to  70  deg. 
Fahr.),  10  ozs. 

A  few  drops  of  Bromide  of  Potassium  solution  should  be 
added  if  the  developer  is  quite  fresh. 


Pure  Water 30  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol   1  oz. 

Citric   Acid 40  grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro     ^  oz. 

Bromide  of  Potassium 20  grs; 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 54  oz. 


Pure  Water 30      ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 4      ozs. 

(Which  will  test  64  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 

62  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 


Pure  Water 30      ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Carbonate  of  Soda 4      ozs. 

(Which  will  test  64  deg.  by  hydrometer.) 

For  use  take  A,  ^  oz.;  B,  y*  oz. ;  C,  ^  oz.;  Water  (at  65  deg. 
to  70  deg.  Fahr.),  10  to  20  ozs. 

A,  B  and  C  may  be  added  together  and  keep  well  in  one 
solution,  which  should  be  diluted  for  use  with  from  6  to  12 
parts  of  water. 


Pure  Water 50      ounces. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 1      oz. 

Bromide  of  Potassium 20      grs. 

Citric   Acid 20      grs. 

For  use :  To  4  oz.  of  of  the  above  solution  add  10  grs.  dry 
"Agfa"-Amidol.  Before  developing  place  the  plate  in  Water,  60  parts, 
Formalin,  1  part,  for  about  three  minutes,  then  rinse  well  and  place 
in  the  developer.  Fix  in  the  Acid  Fixing  and  Hardening  Bath. 


For  use :  Dilute  1  part  with  20  to  40  parts  water  for  tray 
development  or  1  part  with  100  parts  water  for  tank  develop- 



Pure    Water 20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    60  grs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 120  grs. 

Bromide  of  Potassium 6  grs. 

Citric    Acid 6  grs. 

Cramer's   Dry   Carbonate   of   Soda 1      oz. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  63 



Pure  Water 32  ozs. 

Cramer's  Dry  Sulphite  of  Soda 6  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Paramidophenol    v 240  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    240  grs. 

Bromide  of  Potassium 120  grs. 


Water   32  ozs. 

Caustic   Potash 240  grs. 

For  use  mix  equal  parts  A  and  B. 

Both  formulas  are  excellent  for  producing  clear,  brilliant 
transparencies  and  slides. 

64  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Eastman  Dry  Plates. 


Stock  Solution  A. 

Water   8  ozs. 

Oxalic    Acid 10  grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1  oz. 

Stock  Solution  B. 

Water   16      ozs. 

Eastman  Sulphite  Soda  (hydrometer  test  60) 2      ozs. 

Stock  Solution  C. 

Water   16      ozs. 

Eastman  Carbonate  Soda  (hydrometer  test  40) . .  \l/2  ozs. 

To  develop  use  A,  l/2  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz. ;  water,  7  ozs. 


Stock  Solution. 

Water 16      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    30      grs. 

Eastman  Sulphite  Soda */2  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    30      grs. 

Eastman  Carbonate  of  Soda %  oz. 

Dissolve  chemicals  in  order  given. 
To  develop  use  Stock  Solution,  1  oz.;  water,  7  ozs. 

The  temperature  of  Developer  should  be  from  65  to  70 

NOTE. — If  other  brands  of  desiccated  Carbonate  of  Soda 
are  used,  a  greater  quantity  will  be  required.  If  crystal  sodas 
are  used,  take  about  three  times  the  quantity  of  carbonate  and 
double  the  quantity  of  sulphite. 

Carbonate  of  Soda  has  a  decided  action  as  regards  the 
density  of  the  negative.  An  increased  amount  will  increase 
the  density  of  the  negative. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  65 

If  the  Carbonate  of  Soda  be  added  to  the  developer  in 
excessive  quantities,  it  will  neutralize  the  action  of  the  pre- 
servative (Sulphite  Soda)  and  have  a  tendency  to  produce 
yellow  negatives. 

For  4  by  5  Eastman  Plate  Tank. 

"Agfa"-Pyro   22  grs. 

Eastman's  Sulphite  of  Soda  (desiccated) 66  grs. 

Eastman's  Carbonate  of  Soda  (desiccated) 44  grs. 

Dissolve  the  chemicals  in  order  named  in  5  or  6  ozs.  of 
lukewarm  water,  then  add  cold  water  to  fill  tank  to  lower 
embossed  line,  making  26  ozs.  of  solution. 

Temperature  of  Developer,  65  degrees  Fahr.  Develop 
15  minutes. 

66  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Hammer  Plates. 


No.  1. 

Pure  Water    28  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    70  grs. 

Sulphite  Soda,  Anhydrous  5  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro   1  oz. 

Dissolve  the  above;  then  add  15  grains  Oxalic  Acid,  dis- 
solved in  Y$  ounce  water. 

No.  2. 

Pure  Water  28      ozs. 

Carbonate  Soda  (Pure  Dry) 3      ozs. 

Tray  Development. 

To  develop  take  1  oz.  of  No.  1,  1  oz.  of  No.  2,  12  to  14  ozs.  water. 
In  winter  use  less  water  to  develop  and  in  summer  use 
more  water;  temperature  50  degrees,  and  add  a  few  drops  of 
a  10%  solution  of  bromide  potassium. 

To  regulate  the  color  of  the  negatives,  use  more  or  less 
sulphite  in  No.  1. 

This  developer  will  not  stain  or  poison  the  hands  and  acts 

Tank  Development. 
To  develop  take  2  ozs.  of  No.  1,  2  ozs.  of  No.  2,  120  ozs.  of  water. 

Temperature  50  degrees,  and  add  l/2  ounce  of  a  10%  solu- 
tion of  bromide  potassium.    Development  30  to  40  minutes. 


Water    16  ozs. 

Sulphite  Soda  (Crystals)   4  ozs. 

Oxalic  Acid  20  grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro   1  oz. 


Water    16      ozs. 

Carbonate  Soda  (Crystals) 3      ozs. 

To  develop  take  4  drams  of  A,  4  drams  of  B,  8  to  10  ozs.  of  water. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  67 


Clear,  clean  and  quick;  for  hot  climates.  The  film  does 
not  soften  during  development.  Washed  negatives  dry  quickly. 

No.  1. 

Water    ' 231A  ozs. 

Sulphite  Soda  (Anhydrous)    8      ozs. 

Hydrometer  test,  75  degrees. 

No.  2. 

Water    24  ozs. 

Oxalic  Acid 15  grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro   1  oz. 

For  use  take  5  ozs.  water.  1  oz.  No.  1,  l/2  oz.  No.  2,  2  drams  Ace- 
tone (Liquid). 

Do  not  keep  the  plate  out  of  the  developer  long  while 
developing  or  streaks  will  result.  Acid  Chrome-Alum  Fixing 
Bath  is  best. 

As  used  on  Hammer  Plates  by  prominent  photographers.   Very  fine. 

No.  1. 

Pure  Water 64      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen    1      oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone     %  oz. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Crystals) 2J4  ozs. 

No.  2. 

Pure  Water 64      ozs. 

Carbonate  of   Potash    (Dry) 2*6  ozs. 

To  develop  take  2  ozs.  of  No.  1  and  1  oz.  of  No.  2. 

Add  old  developer  (solution  previously  used)  in  sufficient 
quantity  to  produce  best  results. 


No.  1. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    160      grs. 

Water    to    make .   16      ozs. 

68  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

No.  2. 

Carbonate  Soda  (C.  P.) 240      grs. 

Sulphite  Soda  (Anhydrous) 120      grs. 

Water    16      ozs. 

For  use  take  1  oz.  No.  1,  1  oz.  of  No.  2,  and  6  ozs.  of  water. 

If  less  water  is  used,  it  will  give  denser  negatives;  more 
water  will  give  softer  negatives. 


No.  1. 

Water   27  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1  oz. 

"Agfa"-Metol    60  grs. 

No.  2. 
Carbonate  Soda testing  40  deg. 

No.  3. 
Sulphite  Soda testing  70  to  80  deg. 

For  use  take  1  oz.  of  No.  1,  1  oz.  of  No.  2,  1  oz.  of  No.  3  and 
8  to  12  ozs.  water. 


No.  1. 
Sulphite  of  Soda  Hydrometer testing  80  deg. 

No.  2. 
Carbonate  of  Soda  Hydrometer testing  40  deg. 

No.  3. 

Water   .12      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro &  oz. 

"Agfa"-Metol   Y4  oz. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 60      grs. 

Citric   Acid 40      grs. 

To  develop  take  No.  1,  l/2  oz.;  No.  2,  l/3  oz.;  No.  3,  2  drams.; 
water,  6  to  8  ozs. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  69 


No.  1. 

Pure  Water 32      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Anhydrous).., 4      ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Potash  (C.  P.) 1      oz. 

No.  2. 

Pure  Water 24      ozs. 

Oxalic  Acid  (dissolved  first) 15      grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

To  develop  take  1  oz.  of  No.  1,  y*.  oz.  of  No.  2  and  6  to  8  ozs. 
of  Pure  Water. 

When  the  plate  is  fully  developed  and  you  find  the  high 
lights  too  thin,  use  less  water  in  the  developer;  if  too  dense 
use  more  water. 


For  Tray  Development  use  1  ounce  in  20  to  30  ounces 
water ;  for  Tank  Development  use  1  ounce  in  80  to  100  water. 

No.  1. 

"Agfa"-Glycin   123  grs. 

Sulphite   Soda 370  grs. 

Water  (hot,  200  deg.) 7  ozs. 

Let  cool,  then  add — 
Carbonate    Potassium 46  grs. 

No.  2. 

Carbonate  Potassium  616      grs. 

Water  14  ozs. 

To  develop  take  1  oz.  of  No.  1,  1  oz.  of  No.  2  and  3  ozs  of  water. 

70  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 



No.  1. 

Water   (boiled  or  distilled) 20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    150  grs. 

Metabisulphite   of    Potash 10  grs. 

Bromide  of  Potassium 50  grs. 

No.  2. 

Water   (boiled  or  distilled) 20  ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (dry) 2  ozs. 

Caustic    Soda 100  grs. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  of  No.  1  and  No.  2. 


No.  1. 

Water    (pure   and  hot) 16      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen    110      grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    70      grs. 

Sulphite  Soda  (dry) 1%  ozs. 

No.  2. 

Water    (pure) 16      ozs. 

Carbonate   Potassium I1/*  ozs. 

Allow  solutions  to  cool  before  using. 

For  use  take  3  ozs.  of  No.  1  and  1  oz.  of  No.  2,  adding  a 
few  drops  of  10%  Bromide  of  Potassium  solution.  This  will 
develop  about  five  plates ;  then  add  some  fresh  developer  in 
same  proportion  as  before. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  71 

Ilford  Plates. 

Stock  Solution. 

Water    Sy2  ozs. 

Potassium  Metabisulphite 70      grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

Solution  No.  1. 

Stock    Solution    2      ozs. 

Water  to  make  up  to 20      ozs. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Sodium    Carbonate    (Cryst) 2  ozs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Cryst) 2  ozs. 

Potassium    Bromide    20  grs. 

Water  to  make  up  to  20  ozs. 

For  use  take  equal  quantities  of  solution  No.  1  and  No.  2. 

Solution  No.  1. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    180      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    2      ozs. 

Water  to  make  up  to  20      ozs. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Potassium    Carbonate    \l/2  ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide   30      grs. 

Water  to  make  up  to  20      ozs. 

For  use  mix  equal  parts  of  1  and  2. 

Solution  No.  1. 

"Agfa"-Metol    60  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    90  grs. 

Potassium  Metabisulphite  90  grs. 

Water  to  make  up  to  20  ozs. 

72  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Sodium  Carbonate  (Cryst) 2  ozs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Cryst) 2  ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide    20  grs. 

Water  to  make  up  to  20  ozs. 

For  use  mix  equal  parts  1  and  1. 


"Agfa"-Amidol    175  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide    SO  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Cryst) 4  ozs. 

Water  to  make  up  to  20  ozs. 

For  use  mix  with  2  to  3  times  volume  of  water. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  73 


Lumiere  Plates. 

Temperature  65  to  70  degrees Factor  25 

Solution  A.' 

Water    (Distilled)    16  ozs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Dry)    1  oz. 

Agfa"-Metol    120  grs. 

Solution  B. 

Water    (Distilled)    16      ozs. 

Carbonate  Potassium  2      ozs. 

For  use  take  4  ozs.  solution  A,  1  oz.  solution  B  and  5  ozs. 
distilled  water. 

Factor  30. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    ft  oz. 

Water    10      ozs. 

Temperature  65  to  70  degrees Factor  8 

Solution  A. 

Water    (Distilled)    :-. 16      ozs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Dry)    %  oz. 

"Agfa"-Glycin  160      grs. 

Dissolve  Glycin  in  hot  water. 

Solution  B. 

Water    (Distilled)    24      ozs. 

Carbonate    Potassium    3      ozs. 

For  use,  take  2  ozs.  solution  A,  3  ozs.  solution  B. 

Solution  A. 

Water    (Distilled)     .16      ozs. 

Oxalic  Acid    15      grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

This  solution  keeps  better  if  Sodium  Bisulphite  80  grs. 
be  used  instead  of  Oxalic  Acid. 

74  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Solution  B. 

Water    16      ozs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Anhyd) 2      ozs. 

Hydrometer  Test  60. 

Solution  C. 

Water    12      ozs. 

Sodium    Carbonate    1      oz. 

Hydrometer  Test  40. 

Solution  D. 

Water    10      ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide   1      oz. 

All  our  "Agfa"-Pyro  formulae  for  tank  development  are 
adapted  to  a  temperature  of  65  degrees  and  30  minutes'  dura- 
tion of  development. 

For  each  degree  above  or  below  65  add  to  or  substract 
from  the  time  of  development  one  minute.  The  temperature 
should  never  exceed,  otherwise  fog  and  yellow  stain  are  liable 
to  appear.  Use  a  reversible  tank  and  reverse  same  three  to 
five  times  during  development. 

It  is  essential  to  assure  a  complete  mixing  of  the  chemicals 
before  developing;  also  to  rinse  the  plates  thoroughly  before 

Mix  for  immediate  use 

The  more  water  the  less  contrast. 

In  cold  weather  use  less  water  (5  to  6). 

In  hot  weather  use  more  water  (8  to  10). 

For  negatives  to  be  printed  on  developing  paper  use  8  to 
9  ozs.  of  water. 

When  the  negatives  are  found  too  yellow,  use  \l/2  ozs.  of 
solution  B.  If  too  brown  use  less. 

L  A   



i  B    



i  C   





THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  75 


Solution  A    2      ozs. 

Solution   B    2      ozs. 

Solution   C    \l/2  ozs. 

Solution  D   ; 2      drams. 

Water    64      ozs. 

For  Sigma  Plates  increase  the  quantity  of  each  A,  B  and 
C  by  l/2  oz. 


Mix  for  immediate  use 

Solution  A    1      oz. 

Solution   B    2      ozs. 

Acetone    3      drams. 

Water   8      ozs. 

Factor  & 

This  developer  works  without  danger  of  frilling  and  gives 
brilliant  negatives.    It  does  not  stain. 


Solution  A    2      ozs. 

Solution   B    4      ozs. 

Acetone    l/2  oz. 

Solution  D  2      drams. 

Water   64      ozs. 


Solution  A    2l/3  ozs. 

Solution   B    4      ozs. 

Acetone    5      drams. 

Solution  D   2      drams. 

Water   .  64      ozs. 

76  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Seed  Plates. 


Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

Oxalic  Acid 10      grs. 

Pure    Water 16      ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Anhyd)    2      ozs. 

Pure   Water 16      ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda  (Anyhd) 2      ozs. 

Use  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz. ;  Pure  Water,  7  ozs. 

In  very  cold  dark-rooms  use  5  ozs.  of  water.  In  warm 
weather  use  10  ozs.  of  water.  For  double-coated  plates  use 
10  ozs.  of  water. 

One-half  oz.  of  B  will  give  a  warmer  tone  to  the  negative. 
The  best  printers  have  a  warm  brownish-black  color.  If  nega- 
tives are  too  yellow  or  the  shadows  show  the  slightest  stain, 
not  due  to  discolored  fixing  bath,  use  \y2  ozs.  of  B. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  in  solution  does  not  keep  well.  Solu- 
lutions  over  one  month  old  should  not  be  expected  to  be  full 
strength  if  not  made  with  pure  water  and  kept  in  well-stoppered 



Pure  Water 48  ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 2  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen 240  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    60  grs. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  77 


Pure   Water 16      ozs. 

Carbonate   of   Soda 2      ozs. 

Use  A,  3  ozs.;  B,  1  oz. 

For  double-coated  plates  add  4  ozs.  of  Pure  Water. 

Use  more  Water  in  hot  weather. 

NOTE. — If  more  concentrated  developer  is  desired  in  order 
to  secure  more  contrast,  the  water  in  Solution  A  may  be  re- 
duced to  32  ozs. 

Use  boiling  water  in  making  up  this  developer.  In  cold 
weather  a  little  glycerine  could  also  be  added  to  prevent  pre- 


Pure  Water 64  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol  120  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    120  grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 2  ozs. 


Pure   Water 16      ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda 2      ozs. 

Use  A,  4  ozs.;  B,  1  oz.;  Pure  Water,  4  ozs. 

Dissolve  in  the  order  given.  "Agfa"-Metol  should  always 
be  dissolved  in  water  before  the  Sulphite  is  added,  or  before  it 
is  mixed  with  Sulphite  solution,  otherwise  it  may  precipitate. 
If  crystal  sodas  are  used  add  15  grs.  of  Bromide  of  Potassium 
to  16  ozs.  of  B  solution. 



Pure  Water 24      ozs. 

Potassium    Metabisulphite 90      grs. 

"Agfa"-0rtol    180      grs. 

78  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 


Pure  Water 24      ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 1      Oz. 

Carbonate  of  Soda 1      oz. 

Use  equal  parts  of  A  and  B. 



"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

"Agfa"-Metol    60      grs. 

Water   22^  oz. 

Sulphite  of  Soda Test  60. 


Carbonate  of  Soda  Test  50. 

To  develop  take  Water,  8  to  10  ozs. ;  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz 

This  developer  gives  softness  and  detail. 



Pure    Water 16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1  oz. 

Oxalic  Acid 10  grs. 


Pure    Water 16      ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 2      ozs. 


Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda  3      ozs. 

Use  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz. ;  Pure  Water,  7  ozs. 

Developer  made  up  according  to  the  above  formula  is 
intended  for  use  at  a  temperature  of  about  70  degrees.  If 
development  is  carried  on  at  85  degrees  or  90  degrees  the 
developer  must  be  diluted  one-half  by  adding  water,  using  14 
ozs.  instead  of  7  ozs. 

Sodas  in  crystals  may  be  substituted  for  Seed's  Sodas  in 
this  formula  by  using  twice  the  weight  here  given. 

Fix  in  regular  Acid  Fixing  Bath. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  79 


The  following  formulae  are  splendidly  adapted  for  use 
with  the  Plate  Tank  and  will  afford  the  printing  quality  re- 
quired by  the  majority  of  the  profession. 

The  temperature  of  the  developer  should  not  exceed  70 
degrees  Fahr.  to  avoid  frilling.  In  our  experience  65  degrees 
Fahr.  will  afford  the  most  satisfactory  results. 


Stock  Solution  A. 

Water  16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1  oz. 

Oxalic  Acid 10  grs. 

Stock  Solution  B. 

Water  16      ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 3      ozs. 

Stock  Solution  C. 

Water 16      ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda 1      oz. 

To  develop,  use  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz. ;  Water,  61  ozs. 
NOTE. — If  crystal  sodas  are  used  take  about  three  times 
the  quantity  of  Carbonate  and  double  the  quantity  of  Sulphite. 

Temperature,  60  degrees,  develop  35  minutes 
Temperature,  65  degrees,  develop  30  minutes. 
Temperature,  70  degrees,  develop  25  minutes. 

Stock  Solution. 

Hot  Water  (about  200  deg.) 60      ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda 2      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Glycin   ^  oz. 

Sulphite  of  Soda Y*  oz. 

Dissolve  in  order  given. 

To  develop,  use  Stock  Solution,  6  ozs.;  Water,  58  ozs. 
Temperature,  60  degrees,  develop  30  minutes. 
Temperature,  65  degrees,  develop  25  minutes. 
Temperature,  70  degrees,  develop  20  minutes. 

80  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 




Water  16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol 30  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    30  grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 130  grs. 


Water    16  ozs. 

Potassium   Bromide 15  grs. 

Sodium    Carbonate 130  grs. 

If  the  crystallized  Sulphite  and  Carbonate  are  used  take 
twice  as  much  of  each  as  the  formula  calls  for.  To  develop, 
take  equal  parts  of  A  and  B.  Developer  should  be  about  70 
degrees  Fahr.  and  can  be  used  repeatedly,  but  should  be  dis- 
carded as  soon  as  discolored,  as  it  will  then  stain  the  film. 



Water    16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Kydrokinone    50  grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 20  grs. 

Potassium   Bromide 5  grs. 

Citric  Acid 5  grs. 


Water    16      ozs. 

Carbonate    of    Soda    (Dry) 54  oz. 

Caustic    Soda 30      grs. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  of  each.  For  still  warmer  tones 
use  more  of  B. 

To  make  a  lantern  slide  by  contact  from  a  medium  dense 
negative,  the  plate  is  placed  in  a  printing  frame  over  the  nega- 
tive, and  if  a  16  c.  p.  electric  lamp  is  used,  the  exposure  should 
be  about  5  seconds  at  a  distance  of  2  feet  from  the  light.  With 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  81 

the  "Agfa"-Metol-Hydro  developer  the  image  will  appear  in 
about  10  seconds,  and  development  will  be  complete  in  from 
30  to  40  seconds  according  to  the  density  desired. 

If  the  "Agfa"-Hydro  developer  is  used,  expose  somewhat 
longer  than  for  the  "Agfa"-Metol-Hydro.  Temperature  of 
developer  should  be  from  70  to  75  degrees  Fahr. 

Always  develop  to  a  good  density,  as  plates  developed 
with  "Agfa"-Hydrokinone  fix  out  somewhat.  Rinse  and  fix. 



No.  1. 

Pure  Water 24  ozs. 

Sulphite  of   Soda 3  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    150  grs. 

No.  2. 

Pure  Water 16  ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Potassium 2  ozs. 

Bromide    Potassium 15  grs. 

To  develop,  take  3  ozs.  of  No.  1  and  2  ozs.  of  No.  2. 


No.  1. 

Pure  Water 16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    50  grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda 50  grs. 

Bromide    Potassium 24  grs. 

Citric   Acid 6  grs. 

No.  2. 

Pure  Water 16      ozs. 

Potassium  Carbonate  480      grs. 

To  develop  take  equal  parts.  For  still  warmer  tones  the 
amount  of  sulphite  may  be  reduced. 

82  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Standard  Dry  Plates. 

Stock  Solution  A. 

Water   16      ozs. 

Oxalic  Acid 10      grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

Stock  Solution  B. 

Water  16      ozs. 

Eastman  Sulphite  Soda  2      ozs. 

(Hydrometer  test  60.) 

Stock  Solution  C. 

Water  16      ozs. 

Eastman  Carbonate  Soda 1      oz. 

(Hydrometer  test  30.) 

To  Develop  Standard  Extra,  Imperial  Portrait  or  Polychrome  Plates. 
Use  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz. ;  water  6  ozs. 
To  Develop  Orthonon  Plates. 
Use  A,  1  oz. ;  B,  1  oz. ;  C,  1  oz. ;  Water,  12  ozs. 


When  making  stock  solution  "A"  first  dissolve  the  Oxalic 
Acid  in  water,  then  add  the  "Agfa"-Pyro. 

If  other  brands  of  desiccated  Carbonate  of  Soda  are  used 
a  greater  quantity  will  be  required.  If  crystal  sodas  are  used 
take  three  times  the  quantity  of  carbonate  and  double  the  quan- 
tity of  sulphite. 


These  plates  should  be  handled  only  in  a  deep  ruby  light; 
never  use  a  yellow  or  greenish-yellow  light. 

The  usual  dark-room  method  of  development  of  the  Or- 
thonon is  the  same  as  with  the  ordinary  plate,  except  that  more 
water  is  added,  making  the  process  of  development  much 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  83 

slower.  Diluting  the  developer  is  necessary  so  that  the  action 
will  not  be  too  severe  on  the  upper  film  before  the  developer 
has  had  time  to  penetrate  through  to  the  under  one.  It  is  nec- 
essary that  both  films  should  develop  simultaneously. 

Carbonate  of  Soda  has  a  decided  action  as  regards  the 
density  of  the  negative.  An  increased  amount  will  increase 
the  density.  If  the  Carbonate  of  Soda  be  added  to  the  devel- 
oper in  excessive  quantities  it  will  neutralize  the  action  of  the 
preservative  (Sulphite  Soda)  and  have  a  tendency  to  produce 
yellow  negatives. 

If  developers  are  compounded  according  to  the  hydrom- 
eter, test  the  instrument  after  purchasing,  as  the  scale  is  some- 
times inaccurate.  A  correct  hydrometer  should  test  zero  in 
pure  water  at  a  temperature  of  70. 


Stock  Solution. 

Water  16      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol  30      grs. 

Sodium    Sulphite *£  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    30      grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate %  oz. 

To  develop,  use  1  part  Stock  Solution  to  7  parts  water. 


No.  1  Solution. 

Water   20      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone   2      drams. 

Sodium  Sulphite 1      oz. 

Citric   Acid S      grs. 

Potassium  Bromide 1  dram. 

No.  2  Solution. 

Water   20      ozs. 

Potassium   Carbonate 2      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    1      oz. 

For  soft  negatives  (portraits,  etc.)  take  equal  parts  No.  1, 
No.  2  and  water.  For  brilliant  negatives  take  equal  parts  No. 

84  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

1  and  No.  2,  no  water.    For  detail,  increase  the  quantity  of  B. 
For  density,  increase  the  quantity  of  A. 

Solution  No.  1. 

Water  16      ozs. 

Oxalic  Acid 10      grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water  16      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Anhyd) 2      ozs. 

Solution  No.  3. 

Water   16      ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   (Anhyd) 2      ozs. 

For  use  take  1  oz.  each  solution  Nos.  1,  2  and  3  and  35  ozs.  of 
water.  Time,  20  minutes.  Temperature,  70  degrees. 


"Agfa"-Rodinal    1  oz. 

Water    40  ozs. 

Time    20  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  85 

Vulcan  Dry  Plates. 


Stock  Solution. 

Water 7^  ozs. 

Oxalic  Acid 8      grs. 

"Agfa"-Pyro    1      oz. 

Soution  No.  1. 

Water    18      ozs. 

Stock  Solution 2      ozs. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water   20      ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   ( Anhyd) J^  oz. 

Sodium  Carbonate   (Anhyd) */2  oz. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  solution  Nos.  1  and  2. 


Soution  No.  1. 

Water   20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    25  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    50  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd) 1  oz. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water   20      ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate    (Anhyd) */£  oz. 

Potassium   Bromide 20      grs. 

For  use  take  equal  parts  solution  Nos.  1  and  2. 

For  extremely  short  exposures  the  Bromide  may  be  omitted. 

For  soft  negatives,  such  as  portraits  or  interiors,  dilute  the 
mixed  developer  with  an  equal  quantity  of  water. 

For  15-minute  tank  development,  either  of  the  above  de- 
velopers can  be  used  by  omitting  the  Bromide  and  mixing  as 
follows : 

Water   10  ozs. 

Mixed  Developer 2  ozs. 

Temperature    65  deg. 

Time   15  min. 

*6  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 


Water    10  ozs. 

Mixed  Developer 1  oz. 

Temperature    65  deg. 

Time   30  min. 


"Agfa"-Rodinal    1  oz. 

Water    40  ozs. 

Time   20  min. 

Temperature    65  deg. 


Water    35  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Glycin 120  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd) 360  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate  (Anhyd) 360  grs. 

For  use  take  one  part  of  this  solution  to  four  parts  of 
water.    Time,  20  minutes.    Temperature,  65  degrees. 


Water    20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    10  grs. 

Potassium    Metabisulphite 5  grs. 

Sodium   Sulphite 65  grs. 

Sodium   Carbonate 65  grs. 

Time    30  min. 

Temperature   65  deg. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  87 

Wellington  Plates. 

Solution  No.  1. 

Water    / 10  ozs. 

"Agfa"  Pyrogallic  Acid  1  oz. 

Citric  Acid   40  grs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Cryst) 2  ozs. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water   10      ozs. 

Ammonia  (880)   1      ozs. 

Solution  No.  3. 

Water   10      ozs. 

Ammonium  Bromide  1      oz. 

For  use  10  minims  of  No.  1,  10  minims  of  No.  2  and  5 
minims  of  No.  3  are  taken  and  diluted  with  water  to  make  1 

Solution  No.  1. 

Water   10  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyrogallic  Acid   1  oz. 

Citric  Acid   40  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    (Cryst)    2  ozs. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water    80  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Cryst)    8  ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate    (Cryst)    8  ozs. 

To  use,  1  oz.  of  No.  2,  1  dram  of  No.  1  and  1  oz.  of  water 
are  taken. 

88  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 


Water    80      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    ^  oz. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Cryst)    4      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    V*  oz. 

Sodium  Carbonate    (Cryst)    4      ozs. 

For  use,  the  strong  solution  is  diluted  with  its  own  bulk 
of  water. 


For  the  convenience  of  the  Professional  Photographer, 
who  generally  prefers  to  mix  and  use  his  developers  in  equal 
quantities,  we  give  the  following  formulae,  which  are  practi- 
cally identical  with  those  previously  described,  with  the  ex- 
ception that  the  bulk  has  been  altered  accordingly. 


Solution  No.  1. 

Water    10  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyrogallic  Acid  1  oz. 

Citric    Acid    40  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Cryst)    2  ozs. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water    10  ozs. 

Ammonia   Bromide    l/2  oz. 

Ammonia   (880)    1  oz. 

For  use,  1  dram  of  No.  1,  1  dram  of  No.2  and  6  ozs.  of 
water  are  taken. 


Solution  No.  1. 

Water   80  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Pyrogallic  Acid  1  oz. 

Citric  Acid   40  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Cryst)    , 2  ozs. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  89 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water    80     ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Cryst)    8      ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   (Cryst)    8      ozs. 

For  studio  work  the  most  suitable  developer  is  made  by 
taking  2  ozs.  of  No.  1,  2  ozs.  of  No.  2  and  2  ozs.  of  water. 


Developing  Papers 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  91 

Ar£o  Developing  Papers. 


Water   16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol 20  gr-s. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    30  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd)   120  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   240  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide  10  per  cent 25  drops. 


Water    16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    40  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd) 120  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent 25  drops. 


Water   16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    15  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    20  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Anhyd)   160  grs. 

Sodium  Acetate  260  grs. 


Water    16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    24  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    80  grs. 

Argo  Soda   480  grs. 


Rodinal    1  oz. 

Water    15-20  ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide  10  per  cent.  3  drops  per  ounce  of  solution 

92  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Artura  Papers. 


Water   20     ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    14     grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Dry) y2  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    60      grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda  (Dry)   y^  oz. 

When  ready  to  develop  add  one  drop  of  a  saturated  solution 
of  Bromide  of  Potash  to  each  two  ounces  of  developer. 


Water   8     ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Dry) 80      grs. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    20      grs. 

When  ready  to  develop  add  one  drop  of  a  saturated  solution 
of  Bromide  of  Potash  to  each  two  ounces  of  developer. 


Water   20      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    1      oz. 

When  ready  to  develop  add  one  drop  of  a  saturated  solution 
of  Bromide  of  Potash  to  each  four  ounces  of  developer. 


Water   20      ozs- 

"Agfa"-Ortol    15      grs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Dry) X  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    45      grs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda  (Dry)   */2      oz. 

When  ready  to  develop  add  one  drop  of  a  saturated  solution 
of  Bromide  of  Potash  to  each  ounce  of  developer. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  93 


No.  1. 

Water   48  ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda   (Dry) 2  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen 240  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    60  grs. 

No.  2. 

Water   16      ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda  (Dry)   2      ozs. 

For  use  take  three  parts  of  No.  1  and  one  part  of  No.  2. 

When  ready  to  develop  add  one  drop  of  a  saturated  solution 
of  Bromide  of  Potash  to  each  four  ounces  of  developer. 

Note  that  these  developer  formulas  call  for  the  use  of  a 
saturated  solution  of  Bromide  of  Potash  instead  of  the  10  per 
cent  solution. 

The  foregoing  developers  are  given  with  special  reference  to 
Artura  Iris,  which  is  the  most  widely  used  brand  of  Artura 

They  are,  however,  suitable  for  all  other  brands  of  Artura 
papers,  excepting  in  the  case  of  the  "Agfa"-Metol-Hydrokinone 
developer,  where  we  would  recommend  the  use  of  20  ounces  of 
water  in  place  of  40  when  used  for  other  brands  than  Iris. 

At  least  enough  Bromide  of  Potash  should  be  used  to  in- 
sure clear  whites.  Increasing  the  amount  of  Bromide  will  in- 
crease the  amount  of  olive  tone  in  the  prints.  This  applies 
to  all  developing  agents. 

With  "Agfa"-Eikonogen  Hydrokinone  developer,  increasing 
the  amount  of  Bromide  will  increase  the  contrast  of  the  print. 

With  the  other  developers,  increasing  the  amount  of  Bro- 
mide will  not  affect  the  contrast  of  the  print 

94  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Astro  Developing  Papers. 


Water    (Warm)    20      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    25      grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    120      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Anhyd)    1      oz. 

Sodium  Carbonate   (Anhyd)    1^4  ozs. 

Allow  to  stand  24  hours  before  using;  if  used  too  fresh 
it  works  flat. 

In  working  use:  Developer,  4  ounces;  water,  6  ounces; 
Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent,  8  to  10  drops. 

To  much  Bromide  or  exhausted  developer  will  cause  green- 
ish or  brownish  blacks. 


Rodinal    1      oz. 

Water    15-20      ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide  10  per  cent.  3  drops  per  oz.  of  solution. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  95 

Azo  Developing  Papers. 


Water 10  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    7  grs. 

"Agfa'VHydrokinone    30  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   110  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   200  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent 40  drops. 

Solution  A. 

Water   20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    2  drams. 

Citric  Acid  5  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  1  oz. 

Potassium  Bromide  1  dram. 

Solution  B. 

Water   20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Rodinal   1  oz. 

Potassium  Carbonate  2  ozs. 

For  soft  effects  take  equal  parts  A,  B  and  water. 
For  strong  effects  take  equal  parts  A  and  B. 

96  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Barnet  Developing  Papers. 


Water    80  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol   200  grs. 

Sodium    Sulphite    6  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone 150  grs. 

Potassium  Carbonate 2  ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide   50  grs. 

For  soft  prints  dilute  the  above  with  an  equal  amount  of 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  97 

Cyko  Developing  Papers. 


Water  (Distilled)   32      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    „ 15      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Powdered) 1      oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    60      grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate    (Granular) Y*  oz. 

Potassium  Bromide   4      grs. 


Water   (Warm)    1^  gals. 

"Agfa"-Metol   ^  oz. 

Sodium  Sulphite    (Anhyd) 16      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    2      ozs. 

Sodium  Carbonate    (Anhyd) 12      ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide   ". 45      grs. 

Dissolve  each  chemical  thoroughly  in  order  named.  This 
stock  solution  will  keep  indefinitely  in  full  bottles,  tightly 
stoppered.  For  use,  take  one  part  Stock  Solution  to  two 
parts  water. 

All  glossy  papers  are  subject  to  abrasion  or  friction  marks. 
The  developer  prepared  as  per  formula  above  can  be  rendered 
non-abrasive  by  adding  6  grains  Potassium  Iodide  to  each 
ounce  of  Stock  Solution.  The  Iodide  has  a  tendency  to  re- 
duce the  contrast  of  the  print. 

NOTE. — This  formula  will  give  blue-black  tones.  If  warm  black 
tones  are  desired,  add  Y*  oz.  of  Potassium  Bromide  to  the  Stock 

Those  who  object  to  Metol  may  use  the  following  formula: 

Warm  Water  (Soft  or  Distilled) 1^  gals. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    1      oz. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Anhyd)    16      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    I1/*  ozs. 

Sodium   Carbonate    (Anhyd) 12      ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide   45      grs. 

98  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Eastman's  Permanent  Bromide  Papers. 


Stock  Solution. 
Dissolve  chemicals  in  order  named,  stirring  constantly: 

Hot  Water   100      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    l/2  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    2      ozs. 

Sulphite  of  Soda  (Desiccated) 7l/2  ozs. 

Carbonate  of  Soda   (Desiccated) \2l/2  ozs. 

Bromide  of  Potassium  (Cryst)  120      grs. 

In  cold  weather,  immediately  after  dissolving  chemicals,  add 
13  ounces  of  wood  alcohol  to  the  above  Stock  Solution  to  pre- 
vent precipitation. 

The  above  formula  should  be  prepared  with  desiccated  soda, 
preferably  Eastman's ;  if  crystals  are  used,  double  the  quantity 
of  both  Sulphite  and  Carbonate  of  Soda. 

This  concentrated  developer  will  keep  indefinitely  in  full  bot- 
tles well  stoppered. 

Take  in  a  suitable  tray: 

Concentrated   Solution    1      oz. 

Water   6      ozs. 

This  amount  is  sufficient  to  develop  six  8x10  prints,  or  their 

Concentrated  Solution. 

The  concentrated  stock  solution  is  prepared  by  dissolving 
in  succession 

Water   12      ozs. 

Sulphite    Soda    (Desiccated) l/2  oz. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    1A  oz. 

Enough  of  this  stock  solution  should  be  prepared  at  one 
time  for  only  one  day's  use. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  99 

Take  in  a  suitable  tray: 

Concentrated    Stock    Solution    ll/2  ozs. 

Bromide  Potassium,  10  per  cent  Solution 8      drops. 

Water    i 6      ozs. 

Use  developer  at  a  temperature  of  about  70  degrees  Fahr. 
After  exposure,  soak  the  paper  in  water  until  limp  and  brush 
lightly  over  the  surface,  while  wet,  with  a  tuft  of  cotton  and 
flow  developer  over  the  print. 

The  time  of  development  should  not  be  less  than  one  min- 
ute. Prolonged  development  will  give  yellow  high-lights  and 

When  the  shadows  are  sufficiently  black,  pour  off  the  de- 
veloper and  rinse  the  print  thoroughly  with  pure  water.  In- 
creasing the  amount  of  Bromide  Potassium  given  in  our  for- 
mulae is  sometimes  necessary  to  prevent  grayish  high-lights. 

100  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Ilford  Bromide  and  Gaslight  Papers. 


Solution  No.  1. 

Water   20  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    50  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    25  grs. 

Sodium    Sulphite    1  oz. 

Solution  No.  2. 

Water   20  ozs. 

Sodium   Carbonate    (Cryst) 1  oz. 

Potassium  Bromide   30  grs. 

For  use  mix  equal  parts  No.  1  and  No.  2. 


Water   10      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    25      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   J^  oz. 

Potassium  Bromide  as  required.  For  Bromide  and  Bro- 
mona  Papers  add  4  drops  Potassium  Bromide  10%  solution  to 
each  ounce  of  developer;  for  Gaslight  Papers  add  1  drop  to 
each  2  ounces. 


Water   10      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol 5      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  ^2  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    20      grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate  (Cryst) */2  oz. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent.  Solution 10      drops. 

THE  "AGFA"  TOOK.;  -  tl       *\i  rJ  £     101 
Karbo  Developing  Papers. 


Water   40      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    30      grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    120      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Dried) 1      oz. 

Sodium  Carbonate    (Dried) 1      oz. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent.  Solution 24  oz. 

Use  this  developer  full  strength  for  contrasty  papers  and 
post-cards,  and  reduce  it  with  an  equal  quantity  of  water  for 
portrait  papers,  in  which  softer  effect  and  warmer  tone  are 

It  is  sometimes  desirable,  in  the  above  formula,  to  add  a 
larger  quantity  of  Hydrokinone,  which  gives  a  stronger  print 
showing  more  contrast. 

FA''  BOOK. 

Kruxo  Developing  Papers. 


Water   32  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol     16  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    (Dried) 300  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    48  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate    (Dried) y^  oz. 

To  this  add  one  drop  of  saturated  solution  of  Bromide  of 
Potassium  to  each  ounce  of  developer. 


When  Sepia  tones  are  desired  we  would  recommend  the 
following  formula.  A  normal  exposure  with  this  developer 
will  give  a  warm  black  tone.  To  obtain  Sepia  color  all  that  is 
necessary  to  do  is  to  increase  the  exposure  to  five  times  normal 
exposure : 

Water    40  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen    20  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Dried)   300  grs. 

"Agfa"    Hydrokinone    30  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate  (Dried)  300  grs. 

To  this  add  one  drop  or  two  of  saturated  solution  of 
Potassium  Bromide  to  each  ounce  of  developer.  Fix  in  the 
regular  Acid-Hypo  fixing  bath  and  wash  in  the  usual  way. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  103 

Metalotype  Developing  Papers. 


Water    16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol   , 20  grs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Anhyd) 120  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    30  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate  (Anhyd) 240  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent.  Solution 25  drops. 


Water   16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    40  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  240  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent.  Solution 5-10  drops. 

104  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Monox  Bromide  Papers. 


Water   24      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    60      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    (Cryst) 1      oz. 

To  every  8  ounces  of  above  developer  add  10  drops  of 
a  10%  solution  of  Potassium  Bromide.  For  very  strong  nega- 
tives Potassium  Bromide  should  be  omitted,  and  the  developer 
weakened  by  increasing  the  amount  of  water.  For  soft,  weak 
negatives  the  quantity  of  Potassium  Bromide  may  be  doubled. 


Water   30      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    20      grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    90      grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite    (Cryst) l*/2  ozs. 

Sodium   Carbonate    (Cryst) 2l/2  ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent.  Solution 1      dram. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  105 

Nepera  Developing  Papers. 


Hot  Water 100     ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    ^  oz. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    W  ozs.  . 

Sodium  Sulphite  (Desiccated) 7l/2  ozs. 

Sodium   Carbonate    (Desiccated) \2l/2  ozs. 

Potassium   Bromide    (Cryst) 120      grs. 

In  cold  weather,  immediately  after  dissolving  chemicals, 
add  13  ounces  of  wood  alcohol  to  the  above  stock  solution  to 
prevent  precipitation. 

The  above  may  be  rendered  non-abrasion  by  the  addition 
of  10  grs.  of  Commercial  Iodide  of  Potassium  to  each  ounce 
of  stock  solution. 


Hot  Water   100      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Ortol    */2  oz. 

"Agfa"  Hydrokinone    '. . .   \l/2  ozs. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Desiccated) 7l/2  ozs. 

Sodium    Carbonate    (Desiccated) \2l/2  ozs. 

Potassium   Bromide    (Cryst) 38      grs. 

The  above  may  be  rendered  non-abrasion  by  the  addition 
of  5  grs.  of  Commercial  Iodide  of  Potassium  to  each  ounce  of 
stock  solution. 

106  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

P.  M.  C.  Bromide  Papers. 


Water    48      ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    y2  dram. 

Sodium   Sulphite    (Anhyd) 10      drams. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    2      drams. 

Potassium  Bromide   1      dram. 

Sodium  Carbonate   20      drams. 

To  Develop  Use. 

Stock  Solution  \l/2  ozs. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent.  Solution 8      drops. 

Water   6      ozs. 

For  very  strong  negatives  the  Potassium  Bromide  should 
be  omitted  and  the  developer  weakened  by  increasing  the 
amount  of  water.  For  soft,  weak  negatives  the  quantity  of 
Potassium  Bromide  may  be  doubled. 

Use  developer  at  a  temperature  of  about  70  degrees  Fahr. 
After  exposure  soak  the  paper  in  clear  water  until  limp,  brush 
lightly  over  the  surface  while  wet  with  a  tuft  of  cotton  and  then 
flow  developer  over  the  print. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  107 

Velox  Developing  Papers. 


Water   10  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    , 7  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    30  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   (Anhyd)    110  grs. 

Sodium   Carbonate    (Anhyd) 200  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide,  10  per  cent.  Solution 40  drops. 

This  solution  will  keep  indefinitely  if  placed  in  bottles 
filled  to  the  neck  and  tightly  corked. 

It  should  be  used  full  strength  for  "Regular."  but  can  be 
diluted  with  equal  parts  of  water  when  "Special"  Velox  is 

It  is  important  that  the  temperature  of  the  developing  solu- 
tion should  be  70  degrees  Fahr.  In  summer,  if  found  neces- 
sary to  cool  the  developer,  do  not  place  ice  in  the  solution,  as 
it  will  dilute  it.  Place  the  tray  containing  the  developer  into 
one  of  larger  size,  packing  ice  around  it. 

The  above  may  be  rendered  non-abrasion  by  addition  of  10 
grs.  of  Commercial  Iodide  of  Potassium  to  each  ounce  of  stock 

108  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Wellington  Bromide  Papers. 


Water   16  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   650  grs. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    50  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide   10  grs. 

Some  people  keep  a  stock  solution  of  Sodium  Sulphite, 
and  take  some  of  this  when  wanted  and  add  the  Amidol  to  it. 
Long  experience  shows  that  this  will  not  do,  as  Amidol  when 
used  with  stale  Sulphite  solution  develops  very  slowly,  and 
there  is  a  great  loss  of  brilliancy  in  the  prints.  The  developer 
should,  therefore,  be  mixed  up  as  directed  and  used  within 
three  days  of  mixing. 


Water  16  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    50  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite  500  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    15  grs. 

Potassium  Carbonate  100  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide   10  grs. 

The  Metol  must  be  dissolved  in  water  first,  and  then  the 
other  ingredients  added  in  the  order  named.  This  developer 
keeps  very  well  in  properly  corked  bottles. 

Whatever  developer  is  used,  the  print  becomes  flatter  and 
more  of  a  brownish  or  greenish  color  the  more  Bromide  there 
is  present  in  the  developer.  A  weak  or  highly  strained  devel- 
oper with  a  full  exposure  wields  a  softer  and  grayer  result. 
Vigorous  images,  with  good,  rich  blacks,  can  only  be  obtained 
by  giving  a  short  but  sufficient  exposure,  and  developing  with 
a  strong  but  slightly  restrained  developer,  such  as  those  given. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  109 

Wellington  Gaslight  Papers. 


The  ingredients  should  be  dissolved  in  the  order  named, 
the  Sulphite  being  dissolved  before  the  "Agfa"-Amidol  is  added. 

Water    8  ozs. 

Sodium  Sulphite   500  grs. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    50  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide   2  grs. 

This  developer,  which  gives  brilliant  blue-black  tones,  will 
only  keep  good  for  three  days.  After  that  time  it  should  be 
discarded,  and  fresh  made  up. 


The  ingredients  should  be  dissolved  in  the  order  named, 
the  water  should  be  cold,  and  one  should  be  dissolved  before 
adding  the  next. 

Water   8  ozs. 

"Agfa"-Metol    10  grs. 

Sodium  Sulphite 350  grs. 

Sodium  Carbonate   350  grs. 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    30  grs. 

Potassium  Bromide   3  grs. 

This  developer  keeps  indefinitely  in  well-stoppered  bottles. 

110  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

The  Making  Up 

Development   Solutions 

If  distilled  water  only  were  used  in  making  solutions  of 
developer,  half  the  troubles  of  development  would  be  avoided. 
If  river  water  is  taken  it  should  be  boiled,  cooled  and  filtered 
before  mixing,  as  it  generally  contains  much  vegetable  and 
other  organic  matter.  Well  water  that  is  free  from  iron  and 
sulphur,  and  not  too  alkaline,  may  be  used  without  boiling. 
Melted  ice  is  good,  but  should  be  filtered. 

The  developer  should  be  made  up  with  reliable  chemicals 
to  an  established  formula  strictly  according  to  instructions. 
When  a  convenient  way  of  making  up  the  solution  has  been 
fixed  upon,  these  particular  weights  and  measures  should  be 
used  thereafter.  This  procedure  should  be  so  much  a  habit, 
and  the  confidence  in  the  materials  used  (this  includes  the 
water)  should  be  so  based  upon  past  experience  or  in  the  guar- 
antee of  reliable  people,  that  the  developer  should  be  the  last 
place  to  look  for  trouble.  A  great  many  troubles  laid  at  the 
door  of  the  developer  are  the  results  of  mistakes  in  exposure 
and  lighting.  The  worker  should  be  sure  that  his  lighting 
ought  to  give  him  the  desired  contrasts  and  that  his  exposures 
are  sufficient  and  not  too  great,  before  blaming  the  developer. 

Miscellaneous  Formulae 

112  THE  ''AGFA"  BOOK. 


Gum  Sandarac  1      oz. 

Gum  Shellac  2      ozs. 

Alcohol  or  Methylated  Spirits 20      ozs. 

When  dissolved,  decant  and  filter. 

The  negative  should  be  slightly  warmed  before  the  varnish 
is  applied. 


Alcohol   60  parts. 

Sandarac    10  parts. 

Camphor    1  part. 

Castor  Oil   2  parts. 

Venice  Turpentine   1  part. 

for  blackening  the  inside  of  camera,  tube,  dark  slides,  etc. 

Alcohol    8     ozs. 

Lampblack    2      ozs. 

Shellac   1      oz. 


Nitric  Acid  4      ozs. 

Copper  Wire   y±  oz. 

When  dissolved  add  \%  ozs.  of  water. 

The  diaphragms,  etc.,  must  be  cleaned  and  heated  and  then 
immersed  in  the  acid  bath.  Take  out  and  brush  all  the  green 
off,  until  the  article  shows  black. 


Water   16      ozs. 

Iron  Sulphate  3      ozs. 

Sulphuric  Acid   54  oz. 

Alum    1      oz. 

Pyro  stains  on  fingers  may  be  removed  by  rubbing  with  a 
large  crystal  of  Citric  Acid  directly  after  development,  before 
the  fingers  have  been  dried. 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK  113 


Water    1      oz. 

Iodine    10      grs. 

Potassium  Iodide    40      grs. 

When  the  Iodine  is  dissolved '  add  while  stirring  a  few 
drops  of  a  strong  solution  of  hypo,  until  the  solution  becomes 
colorless.  Apply  to  the  spot  with  a  tuft  of  cotton,  rubbing 
gently.  Rinse  well  and  dry. 


Water   30      ozs. 

Formalin    1      oz. 

Immersing  the  negative  for  a  few  minutes  in  this  solution 
will  render  the  gelatine  perfectly  insoluble,  so  that  the  negative 
can  be  dried  by  artificial  heat. 


Potassium   Permanganate    2      grs. 

Potassium  Carbonate 20      grs. 

Distilled  Water    40      ozs. 

This  forms  a  rose-colored  solution.  To  test  for  presence 
of  hypo  in  prints  or  negatives  after  final  washing,  allow  nega- 
tives to  drip  into  a  small  quantity  of  this  solution ;  if  no  change 
occurs  no  hypo  is  present ;  if  the  solution  turns  olive  the  prints 
or  negatives  require  further  washing. 

In  each  fluid  ounce  of  a 

1  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 4.37  grs. 

2  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 8.74  grs. 

3  per  cent  Solution  there  is 13.11  grs. 

4  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 17.48  grs. 

5  per  cent  Solution  there  is 21.85  grs. 

6  per  cent  Solution  there  is 26.22  grs. 

114  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

7  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 30.59  grs. 

8  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 34.96  grs. 

9  per  cent  Solution  there  is 39.33  grs. 

10  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 43.70  grs. 

15  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 65.55  grs. 

20  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 86.40  grs. 

25  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 108.25  grs. 

30  per  cent  Solution  there  is 131.10  grs. 

35  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 152.95  grs. 

40  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 174.80  grs. 

45  per  cent.  Solution  there  is 196.65  grs. 

50  per  cent,  Solution  there  is 218.50  grs. 


Pure  White  Wax  1      oz. 

Dammar  Varnish  200      nuns. 

Spirits  of  Turpentine   1      oz. 

Rub  a  little  on  print  and  polish  with  a  stiff  brush. 

Weights  and  Measures 

According  to  Existing  Standards 





Gallon.        Pints. 



128      =      1,024  = 

16      =        128  = 

1      =  8  = 

1  = 






Cubic  Centimetres. 

=  3,785.435 

=  473.179 

=  29.574 

=  3.697 

Sixteen  ounces,  or  a  pint,  is  sometimes  called  a  fluid  pound. 


Pound.                 Ounces.              Pennyweights.  Grains. 

1         =         12         =         240         =  5,760 

1         =           20         =  480 

1         =  24 



Pound.       Ounces.       Drachms.       Scruples. 

1      =      12      = 

96     = 

8      — - 

















The  pound,  ounce  and  grain  are  the  same  as  in  Troy 









Grains  (Troy) 






THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  117 


20  Grains  =  1  Pound  =  20  Grains 

3  Scruples  =  1  Scruple  '  60  Grains 

8  Drachms  =  1  Drachm  =  480  Grains 

12  Ounces  =  1  Ounce  =  5760  Grain* 


60  Minims  =  1  Fluid  Drachm 

8  Drachms  =  1  Fluid  Ounce 

20  Ounces  =  1  Pint 

8  Pints  =  1  Gallon 

The  above  weights  are  usually  adopted  in  formulas. 

All  Chemicals  are  usually  sold  by 


2711/32  Grains        =        1  Drachm          =  27 11/32  Grains 

16  Drachms    =        1  Ounce  =         437J4         Grains 

16  Ounces       =        1  Pound  =        7000  Grains 

Precious  Metals  are  usually  sold  by 


24  Grains  =       1  Pennyweight  =  24  Grains 

20  Pennyweights      =       1  Ounce  =         480  Grains 

12  Ounces  =       1  Pound  =        5760  Grains 

NOTE. — An  ounce  of  metallic  silver  contains  480  grains, 
but  an  ounce  of  Nitrate  of  Silver  contains  only  437j/£  grains. 

118  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 


G*l.    Pints.  Ounces.  Drachms.       Mins.      Cub.  In.  Grains.  Cub.  C.  M. 

1  —  8  =  128  =  1,024  =  61,440  =  231.    =  58,328.886  =  3,785.44 

1  =  16  =  128  =  7,680  =  28.875  =  7.291.1107  =  473.18 

1  =    8  =   480  =   1.8047  =   455.6944  =   29.57 

1  =   60  =  0.2256  =   56.9618  =   3.70 


Gal.    Pints.  Ounces.  Drachms.       Mins.      Cub.  lu.  Grains.  Cub.  C.  M. 

1  —  8  =  160  =  1,280  =  76,800  =  277.27384  e=  70,000      =  4,543.732 

1  =    20  =     160  =    9,600  =    34.65923  =    8,750      =     567,966 

1  =        8  =      480  =      1.73296  =      473.5    =      28.398 

1  =        60  =     0.21662  =        54.69  =        3.550 


In  an  emergency,  coins  may  be  used  as  weights.  The 
weights  given  in  the  following  table  are  near  enough  for  all 
ordinary  purposes : 

Dime    40  grs. 

Cent  50  grs. 

Nickel    80  grs. 

One-quarter  Dollar 100  grs. 

One-half  Dollar 200  grs. 

One  Dollar   400  grs. 

By  simple  addition  and  subtraction  a  great  many  different 
weights  can  be  made  with  these  coins.  For  instance,  to  obtain 
a  weight  of  10  grains,  place  a  cent  on  one  side  of  the  scales 
and  a  dime  on  the  other,  and  then  add  enough  of  the  chemical 
to  balance  it, 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  119 

Table  of  Cpntents 

A.  PAGE. 

"Agfa"-Amidol    12 

"Agfa"-Blitzlicht    40 

"Agfa"-Eikonogen    14 

"Agfa"-Film    47 

"Agfa"-Glycin   17 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    24 

"Agfa"-Intensifier    32 

"Agfa"-Intensiher   (copper)    36 

"Agfa"-Metol   7 

"Agfa"-Ortol    20 

"Agfa"-Pyrogallic  Acid  22 

"Agfa"-Rodinal   26 

"Agfa"-Reducer    37 

"Agfa"-Rapid  Fixing  Salt 34 

Ansco  Film 46 

Artura  Paper 92 

Azo  Paper 95 

Astro  Paper  94 

Argo  Paper  91 

Avoirdupois  Weight   116 

Apothecaries'  Weight  116 


Barnet  Film  50 

Barnet  Plate 57 

Barnet  Paper  96 

Brilliant  Finish  for  Bromide  114 


Clearing  Bath  for  Pyro  Stains 112 

Collodion  Plate  Formula 10 

Cramer  Plate  . . , 58 

Cyko  Paper  *,-*«•«, ,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,. , ., » t MM i ... f 1 1 »  97 

120  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

D-  PAGE. 

Dead  Black  Varnish  112 


Ensign  Film 53 

Eastman  Film 51 

Eastman  Plate 64 

Eastman  Bromide  Paper 98 


Foreword    3 

Frilling  6 

Flashlight  Proportions  41 

Factorial  Development  44 

Fluid  Measure   116 


Handy  Emergency  Weights  119 

Half-tone  Formula   10 

Hammer  Plate 66 

How  to  Blacken  Diaphrams  112 

How  to  Remove  Silver  Stains 113 

Hardening  Solution 113 


Introduction    5 

Illford  Paper  100 

Illford  Plate  .  71 


Karbo  Paper  101 

Kruxo  Paper  102 


Line-work  Formula  10 

Lumiere  Films 54 

Lumiere  Plates 73 

THE  "AGFA"  BOOK.  121 


Making  Up  of  Solutions  110 

Metalotype  Paper 103 

Monox  Paper   104 


Negative  Varnish  Formula 112 

Nepera  Paper  105 


Price  List 120 

Pinholes 5 

Photo  Gelatine  Formula 10 

Photo  Micrograph  Formula  17 

Per  Cent.  Solutions  113 

P.  M.  C.  Paper 106 

Retouching  Varnish  Formula -. <  112 


Seed  Plates   76 

Specialties    25 

Streaks   6 

Standard  Plates 82 

Stand  Development  44 


Test  for  Hypo  113 

Troy  Weight  116 


Velox  Paper   107 

Vulcan  Plate  85 


Wellington  Paper  108 

White  Spots  5 

122  THE  "AGFA"  BOOK. 

Index  to  Price  List 


"Agfa"-Amidol    13 

"Agfa"-Blitzlicht 42 

"Agfa"-Copper  Intensifier  36 

"Agfa"-Eikonegen   16 

"Agfa"-Glycin    19 

"Agfa"-Hydrokinone    24 

"Agfa"-IntensiKer   33 

"Agfa"-Improved  Flashlamp   43 

"Agfa"-Metol   11 

"Agfa"-Ortol  21 

"Agfa"-Pyrogallic  Acid  23 

"Agfa"-Rodinal    31 

"Agfa"-Rapid  Fixing  Salt 35 

"Agfa"-Reducer    39 

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